If you would like to be included in our e-mail list and receive periodic Newsletters, articles and insights, please subscribe
January, 2022: Clearing Out The Past
*Insights from our Clients
*Tools for Change
*What IS Heart & Soul Healing?
November, 2020: COVID and Karma
*Dark Night of the Soul
*COVID and Karma
*Clearing and Releasing our DNA - our Past
July, 2020: MakeOver Your Life
*STOP whatever your are doing to BE Present
*LOOK at your environment and change the energy
*LISTEN to the inner voice within
March, 2020: Unconditional-Compassion
*A New Vibration for Choice
*Unconditional Compassion for Self and for Others
*Create a Vibration for Choice for Everyone
January, 2020: Happy New Year, New Decade
*Dualities are Collapsing
*Dark Night-Hidden Side- of the Soul
*Learning the Truth about Ourselves and Others
June, 2019: Can You Help?
*Semi-Annual Call for Help to Assist Others
May, 2019: Healing Ourself Means Healing Our Past
*Are We Evolving?
*Karma holds us until we Release its' Subconscious Programming
*Duality Exists Around the World
*Release the Collective Consciousness that Holds Us in the Past
April, 2019: The Consciousness called ENERGY
*Connection of Energy with Collective Consciousness
*Healing and the Energy Collective
*Balancing Energy
February, 2018: New YouTube Class
**Weekly Classes - Subscribe and ask questions
August, 2018: A GIFT for you
*The Way It Works 2018 ed.
*New information on Hidden Void of the Soul
June, 2018: Karmic Relationships
*Understanding Communication
*Mastering the challenges of our Lessons
*Understanding Dualities Existing today
May, 2018: Our Heart Center
*Consider these things before centering in your Heart
*Loving yourself - the most important job
*Center in the Pineal - sense and not feel everything
April, 2018:Loving Ourselves is Loving Our Body
*Our Body is a storehouse of emotions
*emotional responses - emotional triggers
*lighten your vibration and change your past
March, 2018: Our Symbiotic Connection
*DNA and the Collective Consciousness
*the spiritual framework that surrounds us
*release karma = more choices in life
October, 2017: Tag You Are IT
*being a witness for Spirit
*becoming an observer of your own life
*karma - or - dharma?
July, 2017: Stuck Energy to Creative Life Force
*healing our DNA
*The Art of Transference
April, 2017: Energetic Looping
*sending love and light
*sucking the life force from you
*many people have no boundaries
March, 2017: Sending Love & Light
*love and light or energy?
*projecting when you are out of balance
*Love yourself unconditionally
February, 2017: The BIG Picture abou 'Entities'
*The Collective Consciousness that affects us all
*Fragments of ourselves not present
*Within our DNA is everyone in our past
December, 2016: A Solstice Reflection
*World-Wide Entity Release
*A Trip to the Emergency Room
November, 2016: Surrender to the Dream
*Working Hard to Feel Accepted
*Finding Insights into Ourselves
Lucid Dreaming
September, 2016: Higher Brain States
*Connect us to inner wisdom, Higher Self, and Source
*Right and Left hand Mystery Schools
*Fifth Brain Circuit
*Sixth Brain Circuit
*Seventh Brain Circuit
*Eighth Brain Circuit
August, 2016: Training For Life
*Earth Training - Brain States
*First Brain Circuit
*Second Brain Circuit
*Third Brain Circuit
*Fourth Brain Circuit
July, 2016: Videos & a New Book!
*YouTube Channel
*New and Revised 'The Way It Works'
June, 2016: Is it Ascension - or INscension?
*We co-exist throughout many dimensions
*Commit to being fully present NOW
*All past lives are collapsing into this moment
April, 2016 - Loving Ourselves
*Why Am I Here on Earth?
*Loving Ourselves in the best Way
February, 2016: How Far Will You Go?
*Ken's Autobiography story
*The Hum of Mother Earth
January, 2016: Releasing the Past - Choice for the Future
*Global Release Completion
*Intention for Wise Choices
*Creating Space for Choice
December, 2015: The Global Entity Release
*Release the Past on December 22, 2015 and
Again on December 31, 2015
November, 2015: The ONENESS Within
*The Only way to Find Ourselves
*Finding the Oneness with Life
*Loving Ourselves Unconditionally
October, 2015: Healing Our Past
*Are We Evolving?
*Subconscious Programming that perpetuates Karma
*Changing the Akashic Records
September: Life Will Trip You Up
*Why Me? Why This? Why Now?
*Being Present in the Moment
*Taking Care of Ourselves - First
August: Freedom for the Future
*Holding on to Past Emotions
*The Purpose of Life"
*Understanding our Choices on Every Level
July: A 'Do-Over' on Reiki
*The Battle of the Warriors
*Universal Life Force Energy
*Being One with all creation
June: Information Overload
*Changing Sun & Earth Frequencies
*Influence on our Physical Form
*Being Informed = More Choices
March: Emotional Triggers - Part Three
*Creating based upon our past
*Expanding our energy intensifies everything
*Stayng in the energy flow of Creation
February: Emotional Triggers - Part Two
*Emotional 'dumping'
*Chemical Reaction to Emotions
*Healing the Weakest Part of our Body
January 2015: Emotional Triggers
*Emotional Reactions from the Past
*Lighten Your Vibration to feel free
*Four (4) Simple Techniques to change
November, 2014: Gift- How to Clear
*Free book: How to Clear Yourself, Release Old Energy and Feel Free
*Four (4) daily techniques for emotional stability, energy clearing and balance
September, 2014: The World of Energy
*Releasing 'evil' entities
*Changing Fear
*Four Techniques for a Lighter Vibration
August, 2014: The Art of Transference
*Releasing Old Emotions
*The Energetic Vibrations of Everyday Life
July, 2014: INscension - Not Ascension
*Fully Present with Conscious Awareness
*Learn to Simply BE
June, 2014: Into the Heart
*Love of Self - the Most Important Part
*Emotional Overload
*Help to Center in your heart
May, 2014: A New Workshop
*Collective Consciousness
*Keeping yourself and your family safe
April, 2014: How BIG is Energy - Really?
*Collective Consciousness and the Shifts
*Four (4) techniques to change your energetic vibration
*Interview on Collective Consciousness
March, 2014: The 'I AM' Technique
*Changing the Vibration of your name
*Four (4) Techniques for you to change
February, 2014: Karma
*What is Karma?
*Universal Law of Cause and Effect
*Release Past Karma
January, 2014: Begin Again
*Allow your life to flows to move forward
*Use Discernment with Teachers
*Finding Unconditional Love for Yourself
December, 2013: A Message of Hope
*Message for you - You are So Close, You are Blessed!!
November, 2013: Our Symbiotic Connection to the Collective Consciousness
*compromised energy - compassion for healing
*The expanded human energy field
*The magnet creating the attraction
October, 2013: The Collective Consciousness of FEAR
*Change - Fear - Control
*Fear, Sickness & Resistance to Change
September, 2013: Secrets of the Collective Consciousness
*Part of our DNA memory
*Past Consciousness creates Present-Day Karma
August, 2013 - Energy & The Collective Consciousness
*The Collective around everyone
*Balancing the Collective Consciousness
July, 2013 - Changing Times
*Changing times & Fear
*The Bottom Line: Love
June, 2013: Personal Power
*Instantaneous Creation
*Fully Take Your Own Power
*Become a Stand-Alone Creator
*New: Chakras Book
May, 2013: Change Your Past: Have Choices for your Future
*No Limitations to Creative Energy
*Replies to 'The Power of Energy'
*Help yourself bring about change
April, 2013: The Power of Energy
*Life Force Energy
*The Boomerang Effect
*What do you want to know?
Replies/Comments/Questions to The Power of Energy
February, 2013: Love and Relationships
*Insight on My Relationships
*The Search for our Soul
*What is Love?
December, 2012: Stop the Energy of Fear
*Fears Surrounding various events
*Surrender to Reality
November, 2012: Finding Balance with Love
*Reasons to Love yourself First
*Opening your Heart Inwardly
*Express Gratitude
September, 2012: Long and Short of 2012
*December 21, 2012: End or Beginning?
*The Mayan Clendar
August, 2012: Centering in your Heart
*New Book - Energy Dynamics, Vol.One
July,2012: Insights of the Heart
*Centering in the Heart
*Important questions to ask
*Help for you
June, 2012: A Return to the Beginning
*Giving Back what we Received
*Changing to keep up with Now
April, 2012: Why are We Here - Today?
*What is Spiritual?
*True Freedom
*Activate the Pineal Gland - Illuminate Your Heart
March, 2012: Everything Old is Here Again
*Radio Interview on Love,
Judgment and Compassion
February, 2012: A Powerful Experience
*Being a Witness
*Clearing & Dehaunting Houses
January, 2012: Here We Go!
*The Hidden Side of 2012
*Releasing Negativity
*Learn to Be Whole
December, 2011: The Power of Play
*A Memorial
*The Power in Playing
November, 2011: The Power to Risk Change
*What we Trust
*Information/Knowledge is Power
*Finding Balance with our Fears
October, 2011: Clearing Out the Past
*Insights from Clients
*Tools for Change
September, 2011: Harry Potter - The End
*The quiet power within
*More Red School Teachings
August, 2011: Jealousy - Again
*The emotion of Jealousy
*The Red School teachings
July, 2011: Who are We?
*An explanation of who we are and what we do
June, 2011: The Red School
*The Teachings of The Red School
*Releasing Negativity
May, 2011: What is Real?
*Different versions of reality
*Warnings - use discernment
April, 2011: Being Clear
*Being Clear for the Future
*Helpful Hints and Suggestions
March, 2011: Old Message, New Time
*Radio Show on 2012
*Releasing Doom and Gloom
January, 2011: A Spiritual Journey
*Yucatan Story of Ken Page
*Photos of Drunvalo and Ken in the Yucatan
*Releasing Negativity
December, 2010: A Wish for Change
*A New Quan Yin Book
*Our wish for change
*A Holiday challenge
November, 2010: Story Tellers
*Story-tellers and the Brain
*Entities, Attachments & Earthbound Spirits
*Releasing Fear
October, 2010: Changing Times
*Fear and Changing Times
*The Bottom Line is Love
September, 2010: Helping those we Love
*Helping someone who has not asked
*Working on Me
*Releasing Negativity
August, 2010: Anti-Life, DNA and The Void
*Anti-Life Consciousness
*DNA and the Magnetized Wormholes
*The Void
June, 2010: Teacher, Healer or Savior?
*Teacher, Healer or Savior?
*Victim or Creator?
*Starting Over
*Releasing the Doom of 2012
May, 2010: Teachers from the Past: Now the Future
*Waking up to old wisdom as part of our awareness today
*Change and judgments of ourselves
*Knowledge is wisdom
April, 2010: Being an American
*Prejudice and its' effects
*Wanting to help with resistance
March, 2010 #2: Jealousy
*Danger of Jealous Energy
*An Emotional Trap
*A Balance of Emotions
March, 2010: Create good Karma
*What is Karma?
*Universal Law of Cause and Effect
*Release Past Karma
February, 2010: Month for Romance or Not?
*Use/mis-use of sexual energy
*Expectations and disappointments
*Celebrate Who You Are
January, 2010: Hope for Change and New Beginnings
*New Offerings by the Institute
*Becoming Fearless
*What The Secret does not say
*Yucatan Photos from the Past
December, 2009: Newness for 2010
*'The Way It Works' Radio shows to listen to
*Opportunities for Everything New
*New Oneness Workshop
November, 2009: 2012: End or Beginning?
*Fear or Choice for Change?
*Radio Show Transcript
*Become Fearless in Oneness
October, 2009: The Addiction of Fear
*No space for Fear
*Markers from our Past
*Feel Free to Change
September, 2009: The New Age is Disappearing
*The Year 2012
*Change from past Events
*Feel Free to Change
August, 2009: Oneness
*The Philosophy of Oneness
*One or Separate
*My Realization of Oneness (Ken)
*Another Perspective (Nancy)
July, 2009: Cut Down on Smoking
and other addictions
*Emotional Addictions
*Tools to Change
June, 2009: The Human Gate
*Creative Human Gate
*Living Light Language
*Monthly Releases for Change
April, 2009: Empower Change
*Empower Yourself and Others
to Change
March, 2009: Space to Create
*Spring is about New Creation
*Monthly Release for Change
February, 2009: Understanding Relationships
*Dynamics for a Good Working Relationship
*Dialogue for an Intimate Relationship
*In the Game of Relationship -is it Offense or Defense?
January, 2009: Beyond Fear
*Global Fear Release
*Radio Show Archives
December, 2008: Looking for One Million
*Releasing Fears
November, 2008: The Hidden Side of 2012
*Fear and the Way Out
*A New Space for Choice
October, 2008: Karmic Relationships
New Radio Show
* Levels of Understanding - Karmic Relationships
* Thought Forms - The Power of Words
September, 2008: Earth Training
*Earth Training
*First Four Brain States
*The Foundation
*Learning About Power
*When It All Changed
*Boys and Girls and Letting Go
August, 2008: An Urgent Message
*Centering in the Heart
*Freedom from the Past
*Change Your Energy - Change Your Life
*Clearing Old Energy
*A New Radio Show
July, 2008: Our Energetic Patterns:
Keys to True Healing
How Energy is Stored As Imprints
* Interactiions with Others
* Confusing Inner Programs
* Releasing Imprints
June, 2008 - The Secret Experience
*The Art of Transference - Healing Through Compassion
*Change - the Only Constant
*The Island of Corfu
May, 2008 - Where Do We Go When We Die?
in the Collective Consciousness
*Update of a 1999 Indigo Sun Magazine article
2008 (#2) - Letters to the Known
*Radio Interview Show Links
*Past Newsletters - New Information to Help You
April, 2008 - A Tool, A Rope, A Gift for You
*Giving More Choices, Creating a New World
*Dark Night of the Soul
*Creator-Ship and Self-Empowerment
*How to Clear Yourself, Release Old Energy & Feel Free
March 2008 - Back in the Business of
Helping Others
*E-Mail: A Blast of Information
*Manual of the Chakras & The Gates of Quan Yin
*How to Clear Yourself, Release Old Energy & Feel Free
January 2008 - Extreme Makeover for
Feeling Overwhelmed by the Energies of Life?
*Stop, Look & Listen
*Help, Answers and More
December, 2007: Choices for the Holidays
*Email and Spam
*Radio Interview (archived show)
*Manifesting and Creating
*Suggestions for the New Year
November. 2007: Spiritual Awareness for Inner Harmony
*Spiritual Awareness
*Emotional Balance
*Charts Six, Seven and Eight
October, 2007: What is Spiritual?
What is Spiritual?
* Change Your Reality
* Excerpt from the new book
* Charts Three, Four & Five
Happy Equinox:
The Second Chart
*Chart Two of Eight (8) new graphic charts
September, 2007: The Secret Manuscript
*The Art of Transference - Healing Through Compassion
*Chart One of Eight (8) new graphic charts
August, 2007: The Game of Life
*Win at the Game of Life
July, 2007: Growing as a Spiritual Being
*Radio Interview - Internet Link
*Guidelines for Growing
June, 2007: Expanding the Forgotten
*Experiences in Brain Neurofeedback
*Ego-Higher Self - Personality Self
May, 2007: The Alchemy of Emotion
- Conscious Creation from the Heart
(a Third Eye of Horus Mystery School Teaching)
*Emotions and Desires
*Creating from the space of what we DO want vs. what we do not want
*Communication with our Higher Self
April, 2007: The Long Road Home
*Ken travels a long road back to himself
*The Biocybernaut Institute
*Spiritual Madness (from Nancy)
March, 2007 - Being a Witness for Spirit
*What occurs when we are resolved with a past issue?
February, 2007 - Soul Mates
*9-Day Intensive Feb. 27-March 7
*Soul-Mates - What's Love got to do with our Life Experiences?
An exercise to determine our Soul Mate
January, 2007 - The Blank Rune
* The Blank Rune - The Unknowable - Creative Power of the Unknown
*The Sphere of Creation - New Ways in which to Create
December, 2006 - The Holiday Gift
*Thank you for Caring
*Hands of Quan Yin
*The Holiday Gift - Releasing Even the Good Memories
November, 2006 - The Commonality Among
Spiritual People
*New Courses
*Why have we come together, here on earth, at this time?
*True Freedom
October, 2006 - Liquid Light and the
Emotions in Water
*Dr. Masaru Emoto
*Heart & Soul Healing - Change the Vibration and you change the
*Liquid Light
September, 2006 - Duality, Polarity,
Reality & Karma
*The DaVinci Code and Feminine Equality
*A Magdalene Message
*We truly believe - the Philosophies of Heart & Soul Healing
*There's Duality, There's Polarity & Then There's Reality
*An Invitation
Summer, 2006 - We Have Missed You!
*Our new facility and contact information in Georgia
*New courses, workshops and intensives
April, 2006: Spring Cleaning - Spring
* The Courage to Change
* Communicating with Higher Self
* Energetic Clearing
* Spiritual Growth
March, 2006: Caregivers and Hope
*What is the job of a Caregiver
*An Experience of Hope
*The Miracle of Hope
February, 2006: Relationships
*Balancing the Male-Female Aspects of Ourselves
*The Task of Any Relationship
* Functioning Half Complete
* Relationships Are Opportunities to Share
*Results of Expectations and Judgments
*" Wrong" Relationships
* How Do We Show We Really Love Someone?
* Complete Trust
* Communication
Relationships - ZWIAZKI
January, 2006: The Art of Transference
*Energy/Vibration transference between Healer and Client
December, 2005: Is This Heaven?
*The Gift
November, 2005: The Power of
Group Dynamics
*Why Do Groups Form?
*Reflections on Collective Consciousness
October, 2005: Surrender to
The Dream
*Does Anything Make Sense?
*Ken's Dream
September, 2005: Starting Over
*The story of Ken's stroke
July, 2005:
Mirror of Relationship
*Dialogue for Relationship
*An Alchemy of Emotions
June, 2005: Gatekeepers for Lost Souls
May, 2005: Mothers and Fathers
April, 2005: Becoming a Spiritual Teacher
March, 2005: The Witness
Becomes the Messenger/Creator
de Marzo 2005-El Testigo
Se Convierte en el Mensajero/Creador
February, 2005: The Anti-Christ
/ Anti-Life Consciousness
January, 2005: A Life-Changing
2005- ¡El
Evento que Cambió Mi vida!
Read what
others say about January 2005: 'A Life Changing Event'
December 2004:
Out with the Old, In with the New
November 2004: Our Animal Friends
July 2004: Walk-Ins, Walk-Throughs or Walk-Outs?
June 2004: Power & Dancing with Ghosts
Read what others say about 'Taking
our Power'
May 2004: Lost in the Fog
April 2004: Completing A Cycle
March 2004: Being a Witness for Spirit
February 2004: Where are We Going?
January 2004: A Holiday Message
December 2003: Christmas Past - THE
November 2003: Is This Heaven
October 2003: The New Book - Chapter
September 2003: Fears or Blessings
*Birthdays - fears in disguise
*Secrets from Ken
August 2003: August Moon
July 2003: One or Separate
*One With Source
*This exerience called Life
June 2003: We Become What We Fear
*A Story of Personal Reflection
*In the Past - or in the Now?
*My Small Part in the Big Unknown Picture
*Changing Time
*My Spiritual Agreement
April 2003: Dark Night of the Soul
*The Spirit and the Soul
*Soul Mates and Twin Flames
*Spiritual Madness (Nancy's story)
*Techniques for getting out of your 'Dark Night of the Soul'
March 2003: Visionaries and Dreamers
*Other Realities - Other Choices - Same Time
*One or Separate - Creator or Victim
2003: Being Clear with Your Future
*Being Clear with Your Future
*Listening between Worlds
2002: Past Lives, Future Freedom
*Past Lives
*Evolution of the Soul
*Exploring Past Lives
*Catastrophic Events
*Resolving the Past
*Changing the Consciousness of the Planet
*Letting Go of the Past
*Defining Ourselves
November 2002: Creating
New Realities
*A Catholic Prayer of Spiritual Warfare and Protection
*Be the Space
*"Why Did I Create This Situation"?
October 2002: Agreements
*The Agreement Ends
*My Ultimate Agreement
September 2002: How the
Dance Begins
*End of Summer
*Repairng Oneself
*What is Love?
August 2002: Releasing
Ancient Gods
*Homage to a Friend
*Old Sexual Projections
*Insights on My Relationships
*Another Long Night
July 2002:
Spiritual Independence
*Magdalen's Journey
June 2002: Gypsy
*Sharon's Letter
May 2002: Trust
*What is Real?
*Perils of Looking Outside of Yourself for Your Answers
April 2002: Higher
*Confused about the Higher Self?
March 2002: Reflections
*Words from the Past
February 2002: The
Last Hummingbird
*Ideas and Resistance
*Story of the White Cranes (Bible of Karate Bubishi)
January 2002: New
*The Human Spiritual Experiment
*Healing Vibrations
December 2001: The
Seed of Life
*Another Attack
*The Last Chapter
*The Seed of Life
2001: The Aftermath
*Turning Colors
*Discernment with Our Teachers
*The Teacher
October 2001: My First Journey
to Spirit
*The Yucatan Connection- Ken's First Spiritual Journey
*Our Hummingbirds
September 11, 2001: Attack on Our Spirits: The 911 Call
September 2001: A Dry
Season for Prayer
*The Day the Sky Turned Gold
*Third Eye of Horus Mystery School Teachings
*Sharing Your Thoughts on Taking Your Power and the Indigo Vibration
August 2001: Power
*What Does It Mean to Take Your Power?
*Ken's Thoughts On Power
July 2001: The Indigo
*Indigo Children
*Changing Worlds
*Mothers and Fathers
*Wisdom from Gabriel Garcia Marquez
June 2001: Relationships
*Balancing the Male-Female Aspects of Ourselves
*What Do We Attract In Our Relationships?
*How Do We Show We Really Love Someone?
*"Changing" Our Partners
*Complete Trust
Relationships - ZWIAZKI
May 2001: Speaking
My Truth
*Scary Talk
*Gatekeepers -- the Union of Soul and Heart
*Being Holographic
*Clear Light
*DNA Healing
April 2001: Healing Earth and
*Patterns from the Past
*Eighty-Two People
*Collective Consciousnesses Released
March 2001: Let
the Healing Begin
*Steps towards Healing Ourselves and Our Planet
*Dehaunting a House, Building, or Area
*Double Pyramid Release
February 2001 (number
2): Am I Clear?
*Extraterrestrials Inside of Us
*Am I clear? Am I spiritual?
*Subconscious Patterns
February 2001 (number
1): Why Am I Here?
*Why Am I Here on Earth?
*Subconscious Patterns
Holiday 2000: The Secrets of Heart & Soul
*Introduction to The Heart of Soul Healing
2000: Respect and Discernment
*An Angry Indian Elder
*Communicating with Your Higher Self
*The Void
*Trust Vs Like
*Missing Parts
*The End of Time
*My First Test
November 2000: Many
*Influence of the Dead - Soul Keepers
*Indications of Recently Formed Spirit Attachment
*Use of Clear Light
* Being in the Moment
*Moving Your Point of Focus to Your Pineal Center
October 2000:
Helping Our Animal Friends
*Freeing Lost Souls
*Animal Healing Techniques
*The Consciousness of Dolphins & Whales - Protection & Assistance
September 2000: Who
Is Ready?
*Who is Ready for the Big Shift?
*The Living Light Breath Technique
*Creating Choices
August 2000: New Template
*Sensitivity to Electricity -Sweden
*How to Heal
*Communicating With Our Higher Self
July 2000:
Religion and Consciousness
*First Experience with the Consciousness of Cancer
*The Consciousness of Religion
*Pattern Release Technique
*Understanding Rage
*Lucid Dreaming & a Technique to Release Rage
June 2000: Beginning
*Travels to Australia
*The Dream-Where I came from
*Coming to Earth
May 2000: Totally
Out of My Hands
*Thoughts from a Grandmother
*Knee Replacement
*Karmic Reflections
March 2000: Lost
in My Dreams
*How to See Auras
*Living Light Language
If you are associated with a group and have sponsored events in your area in
the past, please either give us a call or email us. There are many exciting
and NEWofferingsfor you.
Contact Us