August, 2003 Message from Ken – August Moon _______________________________________________________________________ Each month during the writing
of these newsletters, there appears to be a personal process that I
and the people around me must experience. It’s
almost as if we first must live and feel the depth of the information
we are about to share. For me,
this process feels as if I am up against a wall, pushing against myself.
It’s like ‘walking your talk’, but not going anywhere. I continue to ask for this to get easier each
month and the process gets bigger in reply!
Is this what becoming conscious feels like? In this process, the picture of reality continues
to expand. I would like to think
the resistance is part of the consciousness or vibration of reality
changing and/or shifting. If
any psychotherapist were to read this, they would say I have delusions
of grandeur. I guess I have narrowed
down my struggles with my own outlook on life.
I live within the illusion that this world can be a better place. I certainly do not want to bring you into this
quandary with me – it’s way too deep. Besides, it’s vacation
- time for sun and fun… So, to the point: It’s summer and I decided
to recap some of my past newsletters and what information is available
to you by clicking a link on your computer.
Easy on you – easy on my derriere. You’ll find these links at the bottom of this
newsletter. Please feel free
to share with your friends – much of this information is just good stuff
to know. A Practitioner Training
is scheduled for FUN STUFF Following are some little
quotes that I have written and collected over the years – I hope you
enjoy these – just remember they come from an ‘illusional being’. “One day I realized that
Knowing was Being” “The other day the sun
came up and I shined inside for the first time” “I remember where I put
my soul – it was behind my heart” “I gave my heart away to
a person who said they had lost theirs” “I broke my heart and became
open to what was inside” “Laughing is very powerful. Those who laugh at others are afraid of themselves” “I wish I could remember
where I left myself” “I wonder why people hold
on to the past for so long. I
wish I could tell them it is okay to forget the past, and look in the
mirror and say hello to the present.” “Holding on must be the
only thing people have left. You
think where it is taking them, they would let go.” “One day I died. God said
‘ are you through yet?’ I
asked God ‘are you my father?’ and he said
‘Yes, for today’. Tomorrow –
will he be mine?” “I wonder why God said
to go to Earth and help those people when He knew I did not speak their
language. I guess He looked inside of me and knew if I
came, I would find myself in time.” “I came to Earth to earn
more credits so I could control the game”. “God once said to me, ‘Son
are you happy?’ I said
‘I don’t know, I have only felt peace’. He asked me if I would like to know all feelings
and emotions. I thought about
it for a time and then said ‘No’. He
sent me anyway. I was pissed.
“Time is a funny thing
and then it changes. I looked
at time the other day and it watched me back” “The gate to the other
side is hidden in your heart – no one looks that far.
You know the gate home is very close – just over there – behind
the opening.” “Eyes are the last gates
into the universe of seeing. How
do we see more than we know? By
forgetting what we have seen” “I wonder if people knew
there was no time…what would they do? Would they stop looking at clocks and find where
they were?? “You know I remember what
I dislike about this place the most – it’s that I always forget who
I am.” “I forgot the other day
who I was and then remembered it was all just a dream” “I guess there is a place
for me – I’m just not sure anyone else can find it.” “I guess when you let go of your past you have to let go of your life. What is my life right now? A space between my past and my future – waiting for creation to show me who I am” PAST NEWSLETTERS: March 2000: Lost
in my Dreams -
Living Light Language – (the way knowledge is given to us in Sacred
Geometry) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/lostinmydreams3-00.html May 2000: Out
of my Hands – (the story of me having a knee replacement and how
I found balance with my feminine) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/outofmyhands5-00.html June 2000: Beginning Cycles, Techniques for: Being energetically clear, Getting your own Answers, Lucid Dreaming and The Living Light Breath - (Great tools for any type of psychic attack or being affected by projections from other persons) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/beginningcycles6-00.html July 2000: Religious Consciousness – Technique for Pattern Release - (Good technique for keeping yourself clear) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/religion-consciousne7-00.html August 2000: New Template – Communicating with Higher Self – (An easy and clear technique for getting your own answers) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/newtemplate8-00.html September 2000: Who is Ready? – Living Light Breath – (Change your center and open your Pineal to allow yourself connection with 366 subtle senses without overwhelming your nervous system) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/whoisready9-00.html October 2000: Animal Healing – Dolphin and Whale Consciousness – (a unique technique to assist your animals heal past traumas and to release harmful human projections; a way of using the consciousness of the Dolphins and Whales to protect your space from outward projections) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/animalhealing10-00.html November 2000: Many
Thoughts – Indications of Spirit Attachment and Ways to Release Them and the Use of Clear Light (which will not attract polarities of light or dark) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/manythoughts11-00.html December 2000: Respect and Discernment – The Void (meaning and understanding why it was created) http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/respectanddiscernment12-00.html There are more than 30 additional newsletters that
cover everything I have taught and shared; including some of the secrets
of the Great Mystery Schools. Have
fun exploring. Here’s a direct
link to all the newsletters: http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/newsletter.html <<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>> Miss
a newsletter? Go to: http://www.kenpage.com/mchnewsletter/newsletter.html Please
feel free to share this information. Permission is granted to copy and
redistribute this newsletter with the condition that full credit is
given to Ken Page and the full web site is referenced: http://www.KenPage.com. Thank you for sharing this newsletter with your
friends. Used Books for Tax Deductions I am working with Ancient Wisdom Spiritual Centre,
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