2004 - News <:> Walk-Ins,
Walk-Throughs or Walk-Outs?
_______________________________________________________________________ • Walk-Ins,
Walk-Throughs or Walk-Outs – What is the Difference?
Are you a Walk-In? Yes Are you a Walk-Through? Yes Are you a Walk-Out? Yes. In almost every instance, a piece
of our self walked out at about 2 or 3 years of age. How many times have
you said ‘I do not want to be here any longer’? Each time you make
that statement, a piece of you leaves. There are often more of us
outside watching ourselves than inside. It has been safer to watch
than experience.
Are you from the past? Yes Are you from Atlantis? If that makes you feel better, Yes. Are you from the future? Yes Are you from the Pleiades? Yes Have you been or lived in other dimensions? Yes Have you always had a human body? No Have you experienced everything
there is to experience? Yes
All this may sound strange to you.
There is a simple word that everyone can accept and that word is ONENESS.
Of course, that may be too simple, so it is often easier to accept
that you are from Venus or Mars or you use the Sun as a gate to travel
to other dimensions.
Saying you are One and becoming
conscious does not sound hip in the New Age. Imagine sitting in a
group of other new age individuals with their latest buzz or key words.
They are telling you why they are different and yet special because
of their strangeness. Then it is your turn and you say you are becoming
One with everything and everyone. Not too
dramatic a statement, everyone knows that. Has anyone really looked
at the ramifications of being One, the vastness of all knowing? How
close are you to Creator – Source by being One?
Thousands of clients all over the world tell similar stories about their past and there is no one story that we have not heard at least one hundred times. Helping the client to understand and to integrate the information they already have within themselves, allows each one to trust their own self again; therefore reconnecting to their Higher Self. Each individual truly feels that what is true for them is their reality. Unfortunately, so many people have been told some of the most horrific things. Does it matter whether you are a Walk-In, Walk-Through or Walk-Out? No. The only thing that matters is that you stop worrying about what you ought to be doing or should be doing. Just get yourself together and be happy. This is the vibration so necessary for this Earth. Thanks for reading, Ken and Nancy By: Faith Ranoli WE International, Denver, CO.
I am the president of WE International, an organization that
was initially begun in 1993 as a vehicle for walk-ins to come together
with their experiences and share. WE has now evolved into a newer,
more accepting philosophy which includes anyone and everyone of like
consciousness who wishes to further their own spiritual path by walking
their walk and living their truth.
The term walk-in has so many definitions for so many different
individuals. For me, all that term does is explain why I do not understand
my childhood, feel connected to my past or have gaps within my memory.
I know that I was the soul that experienced that childhood which created
the framework for my experiences within this lifetime. Am I what
is known as a soul exchange or a soul braid or even a soul twin?
There’s no easy answer to that question. My own philosophy cannot
seem to wrap around those limited definitions. I feel that I have
always been another aspect of the individual known as Faith. For
a while I was living within another dimension. The connection has
always existed for we are just aspects of the same soul; occupying
different space in different times. I am only one of Faith’s multidimensional
selves and she is only one of my multidimensional selves.
I remember the experience when we came together and remembered
each other, allowing for integration. Faith was in a place where
she was saying she no longer wanted to live; she did not want to be
here on Earth any longer. Circumstances in her life were not wonderful
and she was asking to leave. My dimensional self was in need of a
safe place and because I had much experience in working with conscious
evolution on a galactic or universal scale, earth was the perfect
place. For me to feel safe however, I created the illusion that I
could come to earth to hide and for a while, actually believed that
I was truly hidden. I could not have been comfortable with that thought
or come into alignment with the concept of multidimensional aspects
of the same soul however; had I not come to terms with the reality
that I am safe wherever I am and that earth is just as safe as any
other place. This did however, take me quite
awhile to accept.
Integration with Faith allowed me to review the contracts
that she had made and determine if I could complete those choices.
I remember seeing Faith’s body on the floor of the hotel room. As
she exhaled, her soul aspect left. Within that same moment, I inhaled
and my soul’s aspect of Faith moved into the body on the floor. My
first reaction was: This is such a small place! Then I looked at
my hands, my arms, my fingers and the rest of me. This body I now
inhabited was full of alcohol and drugs and a part
of me wanted no part of that. I personally feel that is why I felt
so distant and unconnected, not fully imprinted for such a long time
afterward. I also do not feel my soul’s aspect was ever actually
human before, although I do recall visiting earth in the past.
It is now 19 years later and I find myself on the brink of
coming out of my self-imposed cocoon of hiding to become totally who
I am, within my own power and inner knowing-ness. The universe through
my eyes is different than the universe through the eyes of anyone
else. Each of us has our own unique view of existence and evolution.
On one level that means I shall be lecturing, writing, teaching
and working with others who may be interested in what I can offer
as a sharing experience. On another level, my work involves assisting
individuals to hold their fear in one hand and love in the other hand
in order to find balance within a space of unconditional love of self
and unconditional compassion for all beings. As an individual who
has first-hand knowledge of what I call a walk-in experience, my job
is to remind people that they are more than they think they are, to
show by my example the expansiveness of true human experience. I believe
each of us is truly a doorway to the other aspects of our soul. Interconnection
of our individual soul aspects enriches the whole and nurtures the
individual at the same time.
Often I may kick or scream or say I just want to go fishing;
yet I know I do help others remember the truth of who they truly
are; just by being me, by accepting the job my soul has chosen to
accomplish at this time. It’s different for all of us, so there
can be no judgments by any of us on the choices made by anyone else.
We are all master creators doing exactly what we are meant to be doing;
otherwise, we would be doing something else. So, do not get caught
up in the labels or the drama of it all. You are here now. What
will you do with the experience? For me at this moment, I realize
it is a good day to go outside and walk my dog in the sunshine.