How Accessing "The
Way it Works"
Enables Us to be Happy and Healthy
The Way it Works is the new book I completed in 1997. It really
was a fun book for me to write. The book is very simple and straight forward,
and includes all the things I have been sharing and teaching over the
years, so now I don't have to present the same material over and over
again in my workshops. The book only takes about an hour and a half to
read and it includes the kinds of timely topics people are looking for
today. It also contains many different techniques for keeping one's body
and spirit energetically clear.
I believe what is happening now is that all of us are about to channel.
Most people associate channeling with the process of bringing forth information.
There is already so much information being given out. Everything we can
now imagine is available or starting to come through our collective consciousness.
What is different now is we are all about to channel a brand new energy.
We are going to be 'channeling' or drawing through ourselves those vibrations
to help us achieve the higher brain states. We are about to channel a
thousand times more energy than we have ever allowed or could imagine
before. We are going to be like gates or portals of energy. This new vibration
or waveform will flow through us and we will be able to connect with people
in a way that they have never before experienced.
I believe we have chosen to be conscious channelers of energy, to be
awake, to understand what is happening to us so that we will be able to
teach and share with others the experiences we have gone through. By being
here at this time we have spiritually chosen to be conscious channels
rather than trans channelers. At first this might make us feel as if we
are alone. By being a conscious channel, in the flow of all the information
and new vibrations, we will never feel lonely because we will be able
to feel the flow and connection of God.
When we are able do this, would it mean we would be more advanced than
others? No. When we are in this flow we are probably only about thirty
seconds ahead of them in time, helping so they may feel and move through
this new way of being in the most gentle way. What will being in this
type of flow do to us? For myself, it is tearing away things I haven't
looked at: my fears, my worries and old emotions. It is also effecting
my physical body.
This is a question we all have to ask ourselves. Is our physical body
fit enough to allow increased energy and information to flow through us
in a balanced way? What should we do to stay balanced? I believe we should
do the things we love to do, be fully aware of our issues, recognize our
issues immediately when we create them, stay present and be physically
healthy, fit and active.
We are about to bring in a thousand times more energy than we can even
imagine. It is my experience people's bodies are already reacting to this
increased energy. I find the weakest part of the body is the part that
blows out or energetically implodes if a person is not physically fit
enough. Having healthy active lives appears to be the challenge for every
person on Earth today. Eating properly, drinking lots of water, taking
care of ourselves, resting, sleeping, being fit and active in a playful
way is where we should be putting all of our focus and energy right now.
We all need to become physically fit, absolutely healthy and energetically
pleased with the way we look and feel.
Over the many years I have been practicing healing arts, I have found
our bodies are "imprinted" with millions or billions of energetic
patterns. These patterns are thoughts, feelings and emotions locked into
other times and memories. How do we unlock these patterns spread over
eons of time, which include past lives, past dimensions and past experiences?
I have come up with a very complete technique of releasing these energetic
imprints called Heart & Soul Healing and, for the last few years,
I have been teaching my technique to others in my Practitioner Training
classes. I feel it is one of the most comprehensive programs available
anywhere in the world today. I look forward to many people contacting
our Institute about it.
Clear Light Arts, ADL
Heart & Soul Healing™
Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing™
Ancient Wisdom Spiritual Centre, ADL
Third Eye of Horus Mystery School™
Post Office Box 1500
Cleveland, GA 30528
706-865-0322 - Tel (ofc)
706-223-0291 - Fax Contact Us