Interview with Ken Page - by Sheri Edwards of KQST, FM in Sedona, Arizona
Sheri: Hello! This show is Soul-utions, and my name is Sheri Edwards of KQST, FM 100.1, in Sedona, Arizona. Our guest today is Ken Page, international author and lecturer, who is the founder and Director of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing. We are pleased to have him here with us today.
Finding out who we are is one of the most complicated and challenging assignments that we will ever undertake. So says Ken Page, founder of Heart & Soul Healing. Why is it so hard to discover that which you already are, and how can Heart & Soul Healing help?
First of all, what was the process by which you went from being a businessman into developing the process of multidimensional healing?
Ken: Basically business kicked me out. I did not go out easily. I had several resorts in Clearlake, California that I had purchased and remodeled. Included with the resorts was also a bar and a nightclub. At the same time, I was in charge of several McDonalds, I had my own travel agency, and I owned a Montgomery Wards catalogue store. All of a sudden the floods came, and that was the first sign. All my resorts were suddenly under two feet of water, and something like that hadn't happened in a hundred years. Next thing was Montgomery Wards decided to close their catalogue stores after being in business for 108 years. I had only bought my store three months before the nationwide closure, and again, it was sudden and unexpected. All of this forced me to start looking into other areas. Up until this time, I had always thought the name of the game was the more toys that you had, the greater your chance was of 'winning'. At that time I had a lot of toys. However, all of that came to a quick and abrupt end. I started looking at other things that were more important.
Sheri: So you had to go from being very focused outside of yourself, to being focused and looking inside yourself?
Ken: Yes. One of the things that happened also about that time was until then, I had always been very visual. I lost that visual part, and went kinesthetic. It almost drove me crazy. I had never really looked at my own feelings. So there I was, at thirty five years old, looking at my feelings for the first time. It was almost too overwhelming for me.
Sheri: Somewhere in this whole process of going inside and finding yourself, you developed this system which you call Heart & Soul Healing. What is it exactly?
Ken: Well it started off with taking a trip with my uncle, Drunvalo Melchezedick, to the Yucatan. We were just fooling around, taking some crystals to some pyramids, and I was just going along to see what was there. After that trip and all the experiences that we had, I found I had amazing energy coming through my hands and a different way of knowing. It was this really that started me off. Soon I was working with a hypnotherapist who had been in practice for ten years. I would scan the client's energy field and find hot, or charged spots. He would then ask the client what the spots were, and he started getting amazing responses. Not too much later, I took formal training, and developed the skills of a hypnotherapist, and started my own practice. I began incorporating my scanning and empathic abilities to find these imprints that all of us carry on our bodies. All of this took place about ten years ago. The work today is not based around hypnotherapy, rather, it is based on a state when we are in a conscious or heightened state of awareness, as we connect and reflect our Higher Self. The funny fact of the matter is that most of us are in an altered state of awareness most of the time, and the trick is actually to bring the person to a state of full consciousness. For those of you who think you have never been in an altered state, think about where you really are every time you go into the past or the future, or when you drive your car somewhere and don't remember how you got there, or even what happens to you every time you make love. The multidimensional work has continued to expand and grow greatly from those original beginnings. Little bits and pieces of new information keep coming in all the time.
Sheri: You mentioned you were scanning and looking for imprints. What exactly are imprints?
Ken: An imprint is some type of situation that we have not completely understood, or been clear with in the past, whatever linear time is for each of us. Most often these imprints have a base or a start in what the client reports as a past life. However, there may not really be such a thing as a past life-it all may simply be stories that our subconscious gives to us so that we can look at something in a slightly different way and therefore understand it more fully. Belief in past lives is not necessary for this system of healing and clearing to work. It does seem easier for most of us to think in linear terms. What is happening more and more is that we are all going holographic, to the extent that we can handle it. Whatever is the case, something has happened to us, perhaps in the past, where someone might have grabbed us, or touched us, and we did not understand the event completely at that time. The lack of full understanding causes the imprint to be formed on our body. What I mean by understanding is really a four part process. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects or parts to any lesson all have to be understood by us, simultaneously. Most often there was something that occurred on one or all of those four levels that we didn't quite get, or understand clearly. The lack of understanding is what caused the imprint, or lesson record to form on a particular part of our body. Our Higher Self doesn't want us to lose or miss anything, so it saves it for us to look at another time, when we may be able to put all the pieces together. Therefore, as long as something has happened to us that we didn't understand completely, (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), we will still wear that imprint on our body today, no matter where in our history that event occurred. This particular system or method of healing will find out what that missing piece of the lesson is.
Sheri: Can you give us some examples of this?
Ken: One of the most common patterns we find on about 99.99% of all the people who come to us, is some sort of imprint or patterns around the wrists or hands. Using this imprint, we offer this example: What if in a past life, you were tied up, held, or jailed in some way, where your hands were restricted from their full movement. This has probably happened to most of us at one time or another. Even if this has not happened to us physically, perhaps there might have been a time when we felt held back in some way either mentally or emotionally. Whatever the case, the real reason or lesson behind a wrist imprint probably would be about an issue involving the use of power and control. Certainly if we are going to fully learn about power and control, someone will, at some point, come into our lives to take it away. In any event, let us just say that in a past life or event, someone has our hands tied or held in some way. It was probably about something they wanted us to do that we didn't want to, or wouldn't do, or it was something they wanted us to stop doing, and we had kept on doing it anyway. The person or persons that had us held, probably also had a lot of negative thoughts, projections, or energy around what was happening, and projected those ideas onto to us. We would probably either be scared, or be angry in return for them doing this to us. In any event, there would be a lot of mental and emotional energy and thoughts that would be generated by both sides. It is the combination of that energy, with that part of us that does not understand fully what is happening to us, or why, that causes the imprint to be formed on our bodies. Physically we might understand what was happening, and maybe even to some degree we might be able to sort out why on an emotional, and mental level. However, spiritually is the part where I believe that we are the most vulnerable and open to misinterpreting or not understanding how what has happened, or what is about to happen, fits into the big picture of our life. The event of being tied up, the pain, the uncertainty, and perhaps even the death that is to come as a result of an event like this, is not what we originally came in to learn.
Basically all of us have come in to learn some facet of love, or unconditional love, including some polarity that was positive when we were with Source. Now, within our third dimensional physical world we experience the opposite polarity of that feeling or emotion, and this is where the subconscious mind says it might not be safe to love any longer, because of the way we died in that lifetime. If this situation occurs, the subconscious mind will develop a program that it might not be safe to love, or that in order to have love in our lives, we first have to have pain and suffering. All we would have to do is to come into this lifetime, experience the same type of energy that was projected onto us during those past circumstances, and we are off and running back into the lesson that the imprint and program are still helping us to focus on and understand.
Sheri: Why do you suppose it was all set up this way?
Ken: It seems real obvious, that if we are learning the polarities of unconditional love, or all the aspects of what makes up unconditional love, in order to completely learn and reflect it, and achieve the compassion that goes with true unconditional love, we would have to experience every aspect of it, both negatively, and positively. Let us say that I have 'unconditional love' for you. The first thing that you did or said that I didn't like, I would pull myself back. By doing this, pulling myself in, I would also separate myself from that unconditional love. This separation would send me back into linear time to a place where I would have to look at the original event of separation, the formation of that part that has now resurfaced to judge you and what you said or did. It is not until we can learn and master all the different polarities of unconditional love, that we can stay in the moment, and be in unconditional love. I believe this whole process of energetic interaction and relationship is a very interesting and complete way we can pick up all the parts of unconditional love that we need to learn and understand. All we have to do is to pick up a piece of polarity in our lives, or with those around us, and it immediately brings us into our lesson. In order to facilitate this whole process, we find mates, partners, friends, or jobs that have a similar reflection or polarity. That will always keep us in our stuff, until we can completely understand all the aspects of it.
Sheri: How do we begin to go beyond this way of learning and understanding?
Ken: The first and foremost way to do this would be to stop projecting. We have all been basically trained in ways to project ourselves, from a very young age, through all forms of social behavior and religion. Most of us who are in the metaphysical world project our thoughts, our ideas, and even who we are, outward, so other people know who we are, and what we are about. In almost every instance of our life, for example when we are in love, when we are seeking a job, when we wish to create, help, or heal, we end up projecting part of ourselves outside of our own space. What happens is an interesting phenomena. For instance, if I were to project love out onto you it would immediately cause an interesting reaction and interaction to take place. In truth, I do not really know what your lessons are, or what you are spiritually here to understand. I don't know if you are presently learning humility, or guilt, or patience, or anger, or hatred. There are literally thousands, or even millions of different combinations of polarities that you may have chosen to try to master this time around. Whatever you have chosen will serve to help you find unconditional love within yourself. Finding that unconditional love for ourselves, within ourselves, is what I believe all of us are here doing, to some degree or another. Most of us are doing well just to know what we ourselves are learning. Whatever, even if I believe I am projecting something positive onto you, a part of you will probably feel it to be a type of psychic attack, or personal judgment. Immediately, even if this is only understood and felt on the subconscious level, the two of us will immediately get into an energetic exchange. As a result, I find that most of the people that I am working with are getting psychically roughed up, or beaten up, all the time, and they don't know why. What I recommend is to pull yourself back into your own personal space, to project nothing, and to look for unconditional love for yourself. Having unconditional love for yourself means every aspect of yourself.
Sheri: So this is all about the process of learning to love yourself. Over the years we have heard that so many times-that we need to love ourselves. People have a tendency to shrug this off and say, 'of course, I love myself,' but that is not always the case. Loving yourself is really an energetic thing, rather than something that can be defined. Is this correct?
Ken: Yes it is. It is really getting in and loving every part of yourself. If you are tall, or short, if you are overweight, or underweight, these things are all part of us. It no longer is a question of saying that you love yourself-it doesn't have anything to do with telling others. If we can continue to love and accept all parts of ourselves, what will eventually happen is that we will get to a place where we will become, actually be a being that has the unconditional love as part of our presence. That is the state of being that we are all looking for. It does not matter anymore that you would find, for instance, a mate outside of yourself to reflect something, or some part of you, so that you could discover who you are. It no longer has anything to do with looking outside of ourselves. It has only to do with looking inside of ourselves and our issues. This is why it is so important to know what your issues are. You will continue to co-create situations in your current day world to reflect to yourself what your issues truly are. The main thing you want to understand is to know what you are working on. One of the things I know I am dealing with personally is humility, and it always seems to be in my face. So, for example, every time I start a class, I make sure my zipper is zipped up, and my buttons are all buttoned-that sort of thing. What I try to do is to do my best to recognize what these situations are showing me. Each time these situations occur, it is serving me so that I can recognize how I am doing with that particular issue. I see or feel if there is any sort of charge that occurs along with the incident or situation. If there is, then there is something I still need to look at or understand. This is the true basis or starting place for co-creating love and happiness in our lives. We need to know clearly what we are creating now, and also how to change or modify it.
Sheri: Is unconditional love and acceptance the goal for everyone?
Ken: With ourselves, for sure. What I think happens is fairly simple, if we could only understand it. When you are in that place of creation, the other important element we need to add is getting ourselves to the place between the past and the future. Most of us are not in the moment. Most of us are playing over a program of, 'I wish I had done something different in the past, I wish I had said that, I wish I had heard that, and so forth.' Either that, or we are in the future with thoughts such as: 'As soon as I get this done, I'll be that, or as soon as I have this, I'll be that.' What happens is that we miss the moment. Being in the moment is critical because it is the finest reflection of Source. If you are in that place of loving yourself, present in the moment, having compassion, a wonderful and powerful thing will happen. Your entire beingness will radiate out that compassion, and that is what I believe we are here to do.
Sheri: You talk about loving yourself and having unconditional love for yourself. Does that always mean that you are going to have, or need to have, unconditional love for everyone else around you? Sometimes there seems to be a fine line about unconditional love and being a doormat.
Ken: What I am suggesting is to absolutely not project anything outward, not even unconditional love. I don't believe you can even have unconditional love for others until you have established it within yourself. Then, it would be an automatic thing. It becomes a state of being without judgment. If you can stay in compassion, judgment won't even enter the picture. Everyone is always perfect. Whatever they say, and do, where ever they are is perfect, because you are in balance with yourself. I believe the keys to the whole process of learning and being, is to stay in the moment. If anything gets into your space and triggers a reaction, do your best to look in your linear past to understand where it all started, and what you are learning from it. This is a way to be aware of exactly what you are creating, and why you are creating it. Anytime you find yourself out of the moment, examine where you went, (past, future) and what sent you there.
The next thing is to do what you love to do, as often as you can. If that is singing, dancing, playing, or whatever, no matter what it is, or what it looks like to someone else, do it as often as you can. A real key to creating without distortion is to not create when you are in the past or in the future. Only create when you are in that place of doing what you love to do, in the moment. Most of us create when we are under deadlines, when we are under pressure to make a decision or to pay bills, or similar types of circumstances. When we are in such a place, we are not in our true place of center, fully expressing who we really are, or what we love to do. In those times and places, our creations will contain some measure of distortion, sometimes just a little, and sometimes a whole lot. By creating in the moment, as you are doing what you really love to do, it will break the patterns you are in. Additionally, do not project anything while you are in the state of creating. For example, you wish to have certain kinds of things or outcomes with and for your children, your partners, your mates, or your friends. If we really look at how these all seem to be working for us, most of us have been beaten up to a point where we have already had to let go, in what we want for or from others. We need to let go of how we are holding on to any situation that we wish to change for it to change or be different. Unless we let go of how we are holding on to it (by our projections, or expectations), there is no space or room for it to come back in a different way.
Sheri: You call your institute, the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing. Please discuss both aspects of that and how it fits together. First the term cellular-that is almost a buzz word these days. What does that really mean?
Ken: Cellular means addressing issues on every level that we exist on, and every reality that we exist in. I believe that all of us are multidimensional, or that there are aspects of us that are functioning in other times or in other spaces, or both. One thing we all know for sure is that there is probably an aspect of all of us that exists that is connected with Source. As we love all the parts of ourselves unconditionally, we allow more of ourselves to come into our conscious awareness. Becoming aware of all the different aspects that we are in, looking at these with focus and understanding, is what the process of Heart & Soul Healing is all about. Sometimes clients will work on issues that they have on other dimensions and other realities, for they, in some way, are a reflection of the same lessons you are working on in this reality and this dimension. Everything is interconnected, and as we are finding out more and more, interconnected holographically. Everything is being done right now, on all realities, simultaneously.
Sheri: Do you run into this alot-where a client will go off somewhere-into another reality, into space, into a past life, or somewhere else?
Ken: Yes, a lot Because with the work, we are energetically following patterns, or the cellular imprints of unresolved lessons, most clients will go into some sort of past, future, or parallel life. About 50 % will also shift into another completely different reality, where they will find themselves on a space ship, or other planet, or space, and become consciously aware of doing that, awakening that part of themselves.
Sheri: Are these typically experiences that they have never had before, or have most of them been aware of what they have been doing elsewhere?
Ken: I think what happens is that our ego and our conscious mind keeps us, for the most part, fairly tied to this present day reality. Our ego and conscious mind is formed, or consists pretty much of those experiences or history from the time we were born, until now, and that is pretty much what it understands. Some of these realities or dimensional experiences that we are having would be too much, or overwhelming for the conscious mind. Sometimes we are aware of them and experience them in our dreamtime, and think we are just having a series of interesting dreams. Another way we may be experiencing these realities is to have visions, visitations, or 'out of the body', or other unusual psychic phenomena happen to us. What is happening now is that we can be consciously aware of other realities, if the conscious mind can experience it in a safe, nonjudgmental way. Multidimensional Cellular Healing is a way to do this. Most people are aware only of a tiny fraction of the multi-realities that they really do exist in.
Sheri: The idea of having an existence or even an experience on a spaceship would be overwhelming to a lot of people. How was it when you had your first experience? Didn't it sort of blow your mind?
Ken: Yes, of course. What happened when I first started in all of this was I had gone to a friend who was a hypnotherapist, to understand some of the things that were happening to me at the time. My businesses were failing, and I was having some chest pains that did not seem to have a physical cause. I was undergoing a lot of stress, and this was back in the mid 80's. What happened was, when I went to see the hypnotherapist, I had to face my worst fear. This had nothing to do with spaceships, but it was my very first experience in an altered state of reality. The first thing I had to face was death. I really disliked death, and it wasn't as if I feared my own death. It was more to do with the death of those around me, something I couldn't do anything about. I had all this money, and couldn't help, and so I was really very angry about death. The very first thing that appeared to me when the hypnotherapist put me into an altered state was this great big ugly grim reaper! It was right in my face, and it was huge. Well-that did it for me-I jumped up out of the couch, ran out of that place, and said, "I'm not doing that!" The time came when I finally faced this-it took me about three weeks to get my nerve back up to return to the hypnotherapist. Again, the first thing that appeared was death! This time, I heard a small voice inside of me that said, "Walk around it." I walked around it, and saw a light. As I focused on the light, I immediately had my first past life experience. In this past life experience, I was with Christ, and I was a little boy. That was my very first exploration of my past. Later on, I started to have space types of adventures. What is happening to me now is that I am becoming conscious when I am in another reality. Those realities are just as physical as this one. This has been happening to me for about a year, and it is very overwhelming every time that it happens.
Sheri: How many realities do you think that we exist on in any moment, or in every moment?
Ken: I have heard all kinds of numbers. If I told you the high numbers it might seem too much to believe. The low numbers maybe we could grasp. Most people will report that they are in three or four other dimensions or realities, in addition to the three that we exist on now. The total number of realities that most people are becoming conscious of is between seven and nine. But we have heard numbers from 144 different realities or dimensions up to numbers that just boggle the conscious mind. Believe me, it is in the thousands-alot!
Sheri: Is it the way that you have become so present in this moment that you have expanded to include these other realities at the same time? Is that what happens?
Ken: What happens is that when you are in the moment, it becomes timeless. In that place you can start accessing other parts of your reality.
Sheri: Are you having to create these other realities?
Ken: I don't know. Sometimes I don't do very well in this one. I am not conscious of what I am creating in those other places. What I have become conscious of is them asking me to help. That is other aspects of my self physically asking me to help them in another (their) reality. I believe that whatever our third dimension is, whatever this place is that we occupy, we can help a lot of other realities or spaces. I don't quite know how that is, but I know I am asked to do this quite often.
Sheri: These other realities, you said that they were just as physical as this one . . .
Ken: Yes. For example, one time, all of a sudden, I was standing on the bridge of a space ship! I was looking around at these beings, looking around at monitors, I could feel my feet on the deck-it all seemed natural. It only lasted for a few seconds, which I was glad for at the time.
Sheri: Have you worked with people who have had UFO experiences that have been negative? That seems to be common these days. If so, what did you discover?
Ken: Yes, I have worked with a lot of folks who have reported these types of experiences. In most cases, these people are beings that have come in to help shift that (negative) energy from being here at this time. So, if there is multidimensional negativity or multidimensional beings that are interfering in this space and time, there appears that there are also some of us who have come to help shift some of that energy out of this space, so that it is no longer influencing us, or the consciousness of which we are a part.
Sheri: You mean, that have had this negative experience? Is there any clue from their body that helps you to know or discover this?
Ken: Yes, but by them becoming conscious of the role they have chosen to help with, and understanding how that has affected them in this life, and how long they have been trying to shift the energy or the group, it changes everything. Assisting the client to communicate with these other beings, we find out what the groups want or need, and help to release them from this space, to shift out of this reality.
Sheri: You talk about these energies as though they had a consciousness of their own. Can you explain that a little bit, and how these energies affect us?
Ken: I can tell you what I have found. Having seen more than five thousand people in my practice, I hear what they say all the time about energy. As we dialogue with these energies-most of them are thought forms. When we have an ongoing thought form, we have put a lot of energy into it. Because we have put so much into these thought forms, is that a life form? What happens seems to be that these prevailing emotional themes, or thought forms continue to get energy as we feed into them. That way, these thought forms can perpetuate themselves. Thought forms, in fact all energetic forms of life, want to be more than they are. They want to evolve, whatever that means. They always want to get bigger or more, they do not want to die, or cease to exist. The thought forms that we create become something real. I don't know what that means to everyone, but it becomes something that wants to continue to perpetuate itself.
Sheri: Can you give us an example of a thought form? The the Devil a thought form?
Ken: Absolutely! Yes-the idea of the Devil has been given so much energy over eons of time, that the concept 'Devil' is pretty charged. There is a lot of fear behind that thought form. It is the fear that takes away our energy, that takes away our life-force, or a part of us. So, the things that we have given a lot of energy to, for a long time, become a very powerful consciousness.
Sheri: So, if someone was at the affect of what they believed to be the Devil, or a demonic force, how would you help them move through that?
Ken: First of all, I believe that we are all using these thought forms, or types of polarities to facilitate our own lessons. Let's say that you came in to learn compassion, to master it, whatever that meant to you. You would have to look at all the polarities of compassion that existed. Depending on your own individual lessons, the parts or polarities that make it up could be guilt, anger, judgment., hatred, many, many different aspects of it. What we are saying is that in order for you to have unconditional compassion, (without judgment.), you would have to master all the different aspects of it. One thing for sure, we would have to master it in ourselves, where we would have forgiveness for ourselves, where we could just love. We would be able to achieve this by having many different experiences of all the facets and polarities of this lesson-testing ourselves every possible way we could. This would mean all the physical experiences and situations as humans. Could we forgive ourselves, and have no judgment. if we were bad, if we were working with the 'Devil', if the 'Devil' was affecting us, and so forth, to follow with your example. What happens is, if I have compassion for you, you could literally tell me anything, and I would not judge you, because there was a part of me that has experienced all those things. What seems to be happening is that, to help us focus and learn particular lessons, we need to pick up a piece of the polarity, to use as a catalyst to learn. Most of the times this catalyst will help to draw other people to us, (because that is how we really relate to who we are-by those who are around us, who mirror what we need to learn). All of these experiences would serve to keep us in our issues until we master them. Most of us have mastered all of the things we have come to learn here, it is just that we don't realize it.
Sheri: What do you do for people?
Ken: What we do is that we create a space, and don't get in their space. What allows me to work with clients and not get in their space is to be consciously aware of how I feel, day to day, and what my issues are that I am still working on. I am an empath, and I am able to mirror the other person and what they are working on. I will feel it in my body. Actually we are all empathic. It just depends on how you practice feeling another person without them feeling you.
Sheri: That is very interesting. Can you go into that a little further?
Ken: What happens is that if you don't project, you won't get into someone's space. For example if I were to project onto you anything, even a little bit, you would interpret it as being aggressive. What I do is to stay in my own space, and wait for you to go through your entire psychic checklist, (we all have one). The psychic checklist is all the things that you have gone through in your past-everything that you have ever heard, read, or experienced. You 'bounce' these off of me to see if I have any of these same issues.
Sheri: In other words, we test each other out?
Ken: That's right. So, when we walk into a room, we all use this method to psychically scan the room to see who we like and who we don't like who feels good, and who doesn't. Going back to my example: If you were a client, once you have psychically completed this scan or checklist with me, and everything is all right with your Higher Self, then you will move to a place where both of our Higher Selves come together, and we can do the work. At that time, I can mirror back to you anything that is not in the pattern or vibration of your Higher Self. These areas represent what you are still working to understand. Those are the imprints or things that we then work on together. Your body will actually reflect these as energy patterns that can be felt by both of us.
Sheri: Once you pick up an energy, do you then say, 'I feel this, I feel that'?
Ken: No. I feel it within my own body, and I will reflect it back to you in a slightly different or amplified way than you are used to. I reflect it back energetically, so that you can become consciously aware of it. Most of us have become so used to these patterns that we don't really notice them anymore, unless we are very tired or have low energy. Then it might feel as if we were carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, or as if we were in a heavy, downward spiral. I also use this method to teach in my classes. I can pick up what the client is feeling (we have clients come to do a demonstration in front of the class), and reflect these feelings or energy patterns back to the class, so they too can feel, recognize, and understand it. What we all begin to realize is that we are reflecting, and feeling everything that is going on around us, all of the time. Often times this enables people to realize they need to have more boundaries with themselves, and what they will allow themselves to pick up into their own space.
Sheri: We are all very empathic and psychic, picking up energies all the time. Are you saying we get in trouble because we don't have enough boundaries?Ken: What happens is we will give so much of ourselves away, it is actually like giving our essence away. We give parts of ourselves to where we no longer feel good, or are no longer healthy. Sometimes it will even make us feel sick. Situations with our children, our spouses, or our partners, are all good examples of this. We give so much of ourselves, that others actually can tap in on us, taking our energy. At some point we don't have enough for ourselves, to be healthy, to be happy, and to pursue what we love. Then we have to ask the question-how much of ourselves can we keep giving away? If it gets to a point where we don't want to be here any longer, where it doesn't feel good, we have gone too far. By giving our energy, or pieces of ourselves, it doesn't really help those we think we are helping! All they are doing now is taking our energy, and this really does not help them look at their own lessons or what they have come in to learn.
Sheri: What is the difference between this process of unconditional love that we have talked about and giving too much of yourself?
Ken: Well, I think that once you start looking at unconditional love, there are some guidelines to follow. First of all, don't project anything out, until your very beingness just starts to radiate it. Stop trying to help those who haven't even asked for your help, or help someone to be or change into, who or what you think they should be. Many of us have done this, and we project out, or give a little bit, for we think we know what someone else needs. Most of the time we are really doing well just to know what we need. Part of the reason for the policy of noninterference, until we have completely mastered unconditional love for ourselves, any projections of help that we send outward will have a little bit, or a lot, of the polarity we are personally here to master-creating distortion. Once we project out to anyone, they may perceive it or feel it as a psychic attack, or judgment., and project back onto us. Of course, intention has a lot to do with this. Nevertheless, even those people that I have found that have the very best of intention, there were still projections that were coming back to them. I can't emphasize enough, how important it is not to project-that means light, love, anything at all! Stay in your own space.
Sheri: Stay in your own space, stay in your own energy. Then magic seems to come out. It's not like you are not relating to anyone, or not connecting to anyone . . .
Ken: That's correct. Now, what sometimes happens is that we have been taught, or we may want to blast our own field or energy out so far, so that others will know who we are. What happens then is that it starts to become hard on us. We get a little psychically beat up, as our field triggers others, and they project back to or onto us. I became aware of that, especially in the classes. For example, I started to realize that I could connect to somebody and feel that part of them that is inside of me. Each of us have a cell, or part of a cell that is exactly the mirror of the other.
Sheri: Is that true of anybody?
Ken: Absolutely! And, we are all doing it. We are all starting to recognize everyone. What happens is I can immediately feel you without you feeling me, or I could feel what is going on with a room full of people, simultaneously. It could be almost overwhelming to realize that we are becoming consciously aware of all these aspects, or all these cells within ourselves.
Sheri: So is this the idea that we all hear about, that we are all one?
Ken: Yes. One of the things that we do in our classes is that we will read a few short articles in the newspaper, and we will see how these 'everyday' stories impact us profoundly. We will watch the way that we change and feel. The energy will also change in the room. I simply reflect the feeling of the story or article to the class. If we are talking about a death, we will be able to feel it. Any event that we talk about that has taken place in the United States or around the world, the class will feel. Therefore, we are always feeling a variety of many different things, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. One of the things that most of our listening audience can relate to is the news. In many cases, many of us can't watch the news on television any longer, because it doesn't make us feel good.
Sheri: That's very true. Plus, people go to films all the time. Let's go back to the process that you developed and are using. You said that the work went on an energetic level, but it is more than that. Does a discussion or dialogue go on? Do you present information to people?
Ken: We create a safe space, and we look for the polarity that they are carrying, and why. They need to know why they have a particular energy or thought form around them. This way they will find out their issues, on a soul, or cellular level. They will find out why it is there and how long it has been in their space. They will find out how it is effecting them, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Usually these energies have a psychic weight to them. Some of us have felt that the problems or issues we have been working on are heavy, and we have found that in almost every case, this is literally true, and it is affecting us physically. Secondly, we look for anything that is in their space that does not belong there. I believe that everyone is entitled to 100% of their own space. It could be entities, fragments from other people in the past or present, or even possibly a piece of ourselves (or oversoul) from a past life.
Sheri: Does this mean that we might be carrying energies or pieces that don't belong to us?
Ken: In most cases, that is correct. However, it could also be energies, or soul fragments that do belong to us, but are out of vibration with the aspect that we are now, in this time and space. Whatever they are, they are fragments from the past, or another time and place, that are still charged the same way that they were, at the time they died or when they split off and became earthbound. The third thing that we look for are patterns from the past, either that have occurred in this lifetime or in a prior experience, that we are still carrying around energetically on our bodies today. The patterns represent lessons that we have not completely understood on all four levels of our being: Mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. We need to understand completely why all those things that have happened to us did happen. When we can do this, the patterns then change and are released, and can never be the way that they were. Our very vibration changes on a cellular level.
Sheri: Do you do anything during all this, or is it just an awareness?
Ken: We talk with the client, and we ask questions. The answers, knowings, and awareness comes from the client's Higher Self, in a way that they can clearly understand in this focus, this reality, this time, and place. Using an energetic scanning technique, we find the areas that still carry a charge. Using these patterns, we go back to when the imprint originally occurred. We then find out why it started, when it started, what happened, what their last dying thought was, even what they did after they died. That is a whole area in itself. If there is free will now, maybe there is free will for a split second after we die, or for a certain amount of time, or whatever. Maybe all we have to do after we die is to see the light and go into it. Perhaps, if, when we die, there is a lot of negativity around us, illness,emotion, or fear, something could interfere and cause a distortion.
Sheri: So, is that where earthbound entities come from?
Ken: Yes, I believe so.
Sheri: You actually did quite a bit of work with death and dying, haven't you?
Ken: Absolutely. I did that when I very first started in this work. Because of death being my greatest fear, I went to work in the hospice program. That is where some of the strangest stories you or I could ever imagine started coming out, dealing with some of the different types of consciousness that were causing the death or disease of those that I worked with.
Sheri: I enjoyed hearing another audiotape that you have done, where you explained your first experience where you discovered that some of these diseases actually had an energy or consciousness about them. Could you share some of this with us?
Ken: Well, this all happened a long time ago. I had volunteered to work with the hospice program. Up until that time, the program had not had a hypnotherapist working with clients. I was just beginning to develop the process I use today. Anyway, at that time, I talked to the various patients in the hospice program about using visualization techniques. I was working with a lady who the hospice people said was going to die within the next twenty four hours. They called me to go over to see her. She was afraid to go to sleep, because she thought she might never wake up. When I went to see her, I found her in a very weakened state. She had cancer throughout her body. She said to me that she just had to know why this had happened to her. So, that is what we started to explore. I asked to speak to the energy, or the entity, or whatever was around her. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a voice just screamed out at me, "What do you want?" The lady herself was very weak. She had just come out of the hospital, and was very fragile. The voice that had come out when I asked to speak to the energy around her was rough, gruff, abrupt, very mean, and very loud. The whole thing just really scared me for a moment, because it was so unexpected and so forceful. I thought, "Oh no. This is it. I'm not ready for this. I've had no training for this. That's it, I'm going to die." In any event, I keep exploring the energy behind the voice until we discovered that it was cancer-the essence and consciousness of cancer. Just think of all the energy, emotion, and fear that has been put into the thought of cancer, through time. When it told me that it was the energy or thought behind cancer, I asked how many had it killed. It reported that it was only a small fragment of the whole, and it had killed many thousands. It went on to say it was part of the larger consciousness of cancer that lived in a belt around the Earth at about 33,000 feet. At that point, I was hooked. I kept exploring with that client, and many hundreds more after her, until I could understand how these energies worked.
Sheri: Was this the actual consciousness of the disease known as cancer that you tapped into?
Ken: That's right. And it told a story that would just put goose bumps all up and down your arms. Since then, I have heard this story, and stories like this, thousands of times, over and over.
Sheri: How does your process affect people physically? Do you work with them physically?
Ken: Yes. Once the client becomes aware of why something is happening in their life, even physically, and why it has been created, the knowing brings a certain kind of peace and understanding with it. Once they understand it and why it is happening, sometimes it changes, and sometimes it takes other forms. You never know what form these changes will take, but it will definitely help them to reach a point or place of peace within their own mind, within their own being, as to why all of this has come about. It is a very healing thing for us not to be afraid, and to understand the whys and wherefores on a very deep level. In this process of understanding they are connected back to Source, and back to their own Higher Self.
Sheri: Sometimes death is what needs to happen . . .
Ken: Sometimes. Sometimes, the body is so riddled with disease that the process cannot be reversed. However, I have physically seen these energies jump out of the body, in the form of a small ball, hover, and then go right out, and disappear. This particular incident happened quite a while ago.
Sheri: This was a disease that the person had?
Ken: Yes. After this happened, this person went back to their doctor, and they no longer showed any traces of the disease. This particular person also had cancer. However, this process should never be used in lieu of proper medical treatment. In any event, you never quite know what is going to happen. This is why I can never have an outcome, when I am working with anybody. If I have an outcome, I could get in the way of their Higher Self.
Sheri: You just create a space. That is your job . . .
Ken: That is it. I create a safe space for them, and stay out of their space. What I can do is to hold the energy around the distortion that prevents them from understanding the whole situation clearly. If we can go back and look at the traumatizing experience that started the whole thing out, without all the energy, emotions, and worry that has been given to it through the eons of time, it would be much easier. So, I can hold that energy and I will do that. Once you can look at the experience and understand mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, that energy will shift to a strength! This is because anything that you have given 5,000, 10,000, or 20,000 hours of your time trying to figure out what it is all about, is something that you are a master of! This is why, if we can understand them, our greatest fears end up being our greatest strengths.
Sheri: Besides the healing session, you also do workshops. Tell me a little bit about what one would learn in one of the workshops that you teach.
Ken: You learn about the way many different types of energies work and interact. You will learn to actually see colors, energy fields and auras energetically and physically, (if you don't already know how to do this). It is really a very simple thing to teach someone how to do.
Sheri: Can everybody learn how to do this?
Ken: Yes, everybody. What happens is that most people don't really know how they ended up learning how to see auras, so they can't teach anyone else. It is a very simple thing and it takes about three minutes to show the class how to do this.
Sheri: I have three minutes . . .
Ken: OK, what you need to do is to find an all white or off white wall. Get at least 8 1/2 X 11 size sheets of construction paper in the four different primary colors. (Blue, green, yellow, and red). Have someone else hold up, or tack/ tape the sheets up against the white background of the wall. Stand back away from the wall, about five to ten feet, and stare directly at the center of the construction paper, using one color at a time. Stare at the sheet for a full moment or two. You can let your eyes go into a soft focus if you want, but keep looking at the center of the paper. After the moment or two has passed, have the person holding the sheet take it down, and continue to look at the wall where the sheet had been. Reflected against the same space on the wall will be the image you want to see. The colors may slightly differ, depending upon the true tint of the original colors you started out with, but the green sheet should leave a red or pink image, the yellow sheet should leave a bluish image, the red sheet should leave a greenish image, and the blue sheet should leave a yellowish image. This image should last at least 30 seconds before beginning to fade away. As soon as your eyes know what to look for, have somebody stand up against the wall, this time without the sheets. Looking straight between their eyes, about eyebrow level, look at them steadily for about two or three moments. See if you can pick up the light outline that is around their body. Don't be concerned with trying to see the color around them the first few times, just look for the outline around their body. This is the auric field. With just a little practice, you will begin to see the different colors in and around their field. The colors themselves will be very translucent, soft and gentle. For example, if someone is dying or sick, their field will be very pulled in, close to their head, and will not be very luminescent. It will be grayish or smoky in color.
In addition, during the workshops, we have volunteer clients come in, and we will do sessions in front of the class, demonstrating techniques and insights used in the work. We do our best to touch on all forms of energy-interdimensional, multidimensional, angelic, demonic, ET type, witchcraft, etc., because if we can be consciously aware of the many types of energies out there (that we are feeling every day, anyway), we will not be afraid of anything that may come our way. If there is nothing that we are afraid of as far as energy, thought forms, or even death itself, it will absolutely change the quality of our life!
We incorporate dynamic stories and practical information, and guided meditations, all to develop and deepen the classes' awareness. We show them how to live and stay in the moment, how to recognize and be protected from psychic attack, how to uncover blocks to prosperity and creativity, and how to release inner male and female conflicts. The class learns how to make a conscious connection to all realities, and how to move safely through gates and the Void. They explore their own symbols, space and UFO connections, and have a guided experience of Christ's Ascension and vibration, and we show them how to use that energy. I will actually disappear in front of them-this is my favorite trick! It is truly an experiential workshop.
Sheri: Now tell me a little bit about this disappearing thing . . .
Ken: Of course it is best experienced! It is just a matter of fading out, until either just a silhouette remains, or I am gone all together.
Sheri: What is it that you do with yourself?
Ken: I will actually move into another reality. It is something that is even easy to show people. It doesn't take much practice. Again, it is just a matter of knowing how to do it, and having someone create a safe space. In this way no one will become concerned, for the room can actually change colors, we could start seeing grids, or we could start going into the Void. There are many things that could take place.
Sheri: Could you get stuck or something . . . not come back?
Ken: No, that hasn't happened yet. I think I am pretty much here. It is really a safe experience.
Sheri: How did you happen to do that the first time?
Ken: As it happened, I was just working with clients in private sessions, and the room kept changing colors. I then realized I was actually moving into other dimensions and realities physically, right there, with them.
Sheri: Were they reporting that you were disappearing?
Ken: No, that happened later. In most cases when I am working with clients, their eyes are closed and they are into their own space. Lots of times I will have other people in the room, either family members or friends of the client, or students who are there, learning and observing the work. They were the ones who began reporting that I was disappearing while doing the work.
Sheri: The healing work that you do, do you believe that most people can do something similar for each other, or that it can be taught to others?
Ken: Yes, it can be taught, and it is easy. It is something that we have known all along. It is just finding or a matter of working through our doubts and fears and programming. What a lot of us have done through time as healers is to immediately take the other person's pain on to ourselves. We balanced it out by releasing it into the Earth. However, most of us are disconnected from the Earth now, but are still using the same ways as before. That is, taking other people's pain onto ourselves, and that has to stop. It is physically affecting the healer. Many of the healers that I work with have been roughed up to a degree that they are not healthy any longer. It just goes back through the eons of time, and how we have all been taught in the past.
Sheri: Are we beginning to reconnect with the Earth?
Ken: Well, I would like to think that we are. If I was to tell you the last thousand people I have seen, I would say only a very small percentage has been doing this. It is not something that can be done only once a month, or when you get a chance, you have to do it every day, reconnect, be in it. What happens is if you are not in the moment, not doing what you love to do, even if you are out on the land, if you are thinking about the past or the future, you will not be connected. You really have to be present, be the Earth, be what you are in. Don't think about the next thought, just be totally here, in the moment.
Sheri: We thank our guest, Ken Page, for being here with us today.
Interview with Ken Page - by Sheri Edwards of KQST, FM in Sedona, Arizona Sheri: Hello! This show is Soul-utions, and my name is Sheri Edwards of KQST, FM 100.1, in Sedona, Arizona. Our guest today is Ken Page, international author and lecturer, who is the founder and Director of the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing. We are pleased to have him here with us today. Finding out who we are is one of the most complicated and challenging assignments that we will ever undertake. So says Ken Page, founder of Heart & Soul Healing. Why is it so hard to discover that which you already are, and how can Heart & Soul Healing help? First of all, what was the process by which you went from being a businessman into developing the process of multidimensional healing? Ken: Basically business kicked me out. I did not go out easily. I had several resorts in Clearlake, California that I had purchased and remodeled. Included with the resorts was also a bar and a nightclub. At the same time, I was in charge of several McDonalds, I had my own travel agency, and I owned a Montgomery Wards catalogue store. All of a sudden the floods came, and that was the first sign. All my resorts were suddenly under two feet of water, and something like that hadn't happened in a hundred years. Next thing was Montgomery Wards decided to close their catalogue stores after being in business for 108 years. I had only bought my store three months before the nationwide closure, and again, it was sudden and unexpected. All of this forced me to start looking into other areas. Up until this time, I had always thought the name of the game was the more toys that you had, the greater your chance was of 'winning'. At that time I had a lot of toys. However, all of that came to a quick and abrupt end. I started looking at other things that were more important. Sheri: So you had to go from being very focused outside of yourself, to being focused and looking inside yourself? Ken: Yes. One of the things that happened also about that time was until then, I had always been very visual. I lost that visual part, and went kinesthetic. It almost drove me crazy. I had never really looked at my own feelings. So there I was, at thirty five years old, looking at my feelings for the first time. It was almost too overwhelming for me. Sheri: Somewhere in this whole process of going inside and finding yourself, you developed this system which you call Heart & Soul Healing. What is it exactly? Ken: Well it started off with taking a trip with my uncle, Drunvalo Melchezedick, to the Yucatan. We were just fooling around, taking some crystals to some pyramids, and I was just going along to see what was there. After that trip and all the experiences that we had, I found I had amazing energy coming through my hands and a different way of knowing. It was this really that started me off. Soon I was working with a hypnotherapist who had been in practice for ten years. I would scan the client's energy field and find hot, or charged spots. He would then ask the client what the spots were, and he started getting amazing responses. Not too much later, I took formal training, and developed the skills of a hypnotherapist, and started my own practice. I began incorporating my scanning and empathic abilities to find these imprints that all of us carry on our bodies. All of this took place about ten years ago. The work today is not based around hypnotherapy, rather, it is based on a state when we are in a conscious or heightened state of awareness, as we connect and reflect our Higher Self. The funny fact of the matter is that most of us are in an altered state of awareness most of the time, and the trick is actually to bring the person to a state of full consciousness. For those of you who think you have never been in an altered state, think about where you really are every time you go into the past or the future, or when you drive your car somewhere and don't remember how you got there, or even what happens to you every time you make love. The multidimensional work has continued to expand and grow greatly from those original beginnings. Little bits and pieces of new information keep coming in all the time. Sheri: You mentioned you were scanning and looking for imprints. What exactly are imprints? Ken: An imprint is some type of situation that we have not completely understood, or been clear with in the past, whatever linear time is for each of us. Most often these imprints have a base or a start in what the client reports as a past life. However, there may not really be such a thing as a past life-it all may simply be stories that our subconscious gives to us so that we can look at something in a slightly different way and therefore understand it more fully. Belief in past lives is not necessary for this system of healing and clearing to work. It does seem easier for most of us to think in linear terms. What is happening more and more is that we are all going holographic, to the extent that we can handle it. Whatever is the case, something has happened to us, perhaps in the past, where someone might have grabbed us, or touched us, and we did not understand the event completely at that time. The lack of full understanding causes the imprint to be formed on our body. What I mean by understanding is really a four part process. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects or parts to any lesson all have to be understood by us, simultaneously. Most often there was something that occurred on one or all of those four levels that we didn't quite get, or understand clearly. The lack of understanding is what caused the imprint, or lesson record to form on a particular part of our body. Our Higher Self doesn't want us to lose or miss anything, so it saves it for us to look at another time, when we may be able to put all the pieces together. Therefore, as long as something has happened to us that we didn't understand completely, (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), we will still wear that imprint on our body today, no matter where in our history that event occurred. This particular system or method of healing will find out what that missing piece of the lesson is. Sheri: Can you give us some examples of this? Ken: One of the most common patterns we find on about 99.99% of all the people who come to us, is some sort of imprint or patterns around the wrists or hands. Using this imprint, we offer this example: What if in a past life, you were tied up, held, or jailed in some way, where your hands were restricted from their full movement. This has probably happened to most of us at one time or another. Even if this has not happened to us physically, perhaps there might have been a time when we felt held back in some way either mentally or emotionally. Whatever the case, the real reason or lesson behind a wrist imprint probably would be about an issue involving the use of power and control. Certainly if we are going to fully learn about power and control, someone will, at some point, come into our lives to take it away. In any event, let us just say that in a past life or event, someone has our hands tied or held in some way. It was probably about something they wanted us to do that we didn't want to, or wouldn't do, or it was something they wanted us to stop doing, and we had kept on doing it anyway. The person or persons that had us held, probably also had a lot of negative thoughts, projections, or energy around what was happening, and projected those ideas onto to us. We would probably either be scared, or be angry in return for them doing this to us. In any event, there would be a lot of mental and emotional energy and thoughts that would be generated by both sides. It is the combination of that energy, with that part of us that does not understand fully what is happening to us, or why, that causes the imprint to be formed on our bodies. Physically we might understand what was happening, and maybe even to some degree we might be able to sort out why on an emotional, and mental level. However, spiritually is the part where I believe that we are the most vulnerable and open to misinterpreting or not understanding how what has happened, or what is about to happen, fits into the big picture of our life. The event of being tied up, the pain, the uncertainty, and perhaps even the death that is to come as a result of an event like this, is not what we originally came in to learn. Basically all of us have come in to learn some facet of love, or unconditional love, including some polarity that was positive when we were with Source. Now, within our third dimensional physical world we experience the opposite polarity of that feeling or emotion, and this is where the subconscious mind says it might not be safe to love any longer, because of the way we died in that lifetime. If this situation occurs, the subconscious mind will develop a program that it might not be safe to love, or that in order to have love in our lives, we first have to have pain and suffering. All we would have to do is to come into this lifetime, experience the same type of energy that was projected onto us during those past circumstances, and we are off and running back into the lesson that the imprint and program are still helping us to focus on and understand. Sheri: Why do you suppose it was all set up this way? Ken: It seems real obvious, that if we are learning the polarities of unconditional love, or all the aspects of what makes up unconditional love, in order to completely learn and reflect it, and achieve the compassion that goes with true unconditional love, we would have to experience every aspect of it, both negatively, and positively. Let us say that I have 'unconditional love' for you. The first thing that you did or said that I didn't like, I would pull myself back. By doing this, pulling myself in, I would also separate myself from that unconditional love. This separation would send me back into linear time to a place where I would have to look at the original event of separation, the formation of that part that has now resurfaced to judge you and what you said or did. It is not until we can learn and master all the different polarities of unconditional love, that we can stay in the moment, and be in unconditional love. I believe this whole process of energetic interaction and relationship is a very interesting and complete way we can pick up all the parts of unconditional love that we need to learn and understand. All we have to do is to pick up a piece of polarity in our lives, or with those around us, and it immediately brings us into our lesson. In order to facilitate this whole process, we find mates, partners, friends, or jobs that have a similar reflection or polarity. That will always keep us in our stuff, until we can completely understand all the aspects of it. Sheri: How do we begin to go beyond this way of learning and understanding? Ken: The first and foremost way to do this would be to stop projecting. We have all been basically trained in ways to project ourselves, from a very young age, through all forms of social behavior and religion. Most of us who are in the metaphysical world project our thoughts, our ideas, and even who we are, outward, so other people know who we are, and what we are about. In almost every instance of our life, for example when we are in love, when we are seeking a job, when we wish to create, help, or heal, we end up projecting part of ourselves outside of our own space. What happens is an interesting phenomena. For instance, if I were to project love out onto you it would immediately cause an interesting reaction and interaction to take place. In truth, I do not really know what your lessons are, or what you are spiritually here to understand. I don't know if you are presently learning humility, or guilt, or patience, or anger, or hatred. There are literally thousands, or even millions of different combinations of polarities that you may have chosen to try to master this time around. Whatever you have chosen will serve to help you find unconditional love within yourself. Finding that unconditional love for ourselves, within ourselves, is what I believe all of us are here doing, to some degree or another. Most of us are doing well just to know what we ourselves are learning. Whatever, even if I believe I am projecting something positive onto you, a part of you will probably feel it to be a type of psychic attack, or personal judgment. Immediately, even if this is only understood and felt on the subconscious level, the two of us will immediately get into an energetic exchange. As a result, I find that most of the people that I am working with are getting psychically roughed up, or beaten up, all the time, and they don't know why. What I recommend is to pull yourself back into your own personal space, to project nothing, and to look for unconditional love for yourself. Having unconditional love for yourself means every aspect of yourself. Sheri: So this is all about the process of learning to love yourself. Over the years we have heard that so many times-that we need to love ourselves. People have a tendency to shrug this off and say, 'of course, I love myself,' but that is not always the case. Loving yourself is really an energetic thing, rather than something that can be defined. Is this correct? Ken: Yes it is. It is really getting in and loving every part of yourself. If you are tall, or short, if you are overweight, or underweight, these things are all part of us. It no longer is a question of saying that you love yourself-it doesn't have anything to do with telling others. If we can continue to love and accept all parts of ourselves, what will eventually happen is that we will get to a place where we will become, actually be a being that has the unconditional love as part of our presence. That is the state of being that we are all looking for. It does not matter anymore that you would find, for instance, a mate outside of yourself to reflect something, or some part of you, so that you could discover who you are. It no longer has anything to do with looking outside of ourselves. It has only to do with looking inside of ourselves and our issues. This is why it is so important to know what your issues are. You will continue to co-create situations in your current day world to reflect to yourself what your issues truly are. The main thing you want to understand is to know what you are working on. One of the things I know I am dealing with personally is humility, and it always seems to be in my face. So, for example, every time I start a class, I make sure my zipper is zipped up, and my buttons are all buttoned-that sort of thing. What I try to do is to do my best to recognize what these situations are showing me. Each time these situations occur, it is serving me so that I can recognize how I am doing with that particular issue. I see or feel if there is any sort of charge that occurs along with the incident or situation. If there is, then there is something I still need to look at or understand. This is the true basis or starting place for co-creating love and happiness in our lives. We need to know clearly what we are creating now, and also how to change or modify it. Sheri: Is unconditional love and acceptance the goal for everyone? Ken: With ourselves, for sure. What I think happens is fairly simple, if we could only understand it. When you are in that place of creation, the other important element we need to add is getting ourselves to the place between the past and the future. Most of us are not in the moment. Most of us are playing over a program of, 'I wish I had done something different in the past, I wish I had said that, I wish I had heard that, and so forth.' Either that, or we are in the future with thoughts such as: 'As soon as I get this done, I'll be that, or as soon as I have this, I'll be that.' What happens is that we miss the moment. Being in the moment is critical because it is the finest reflection of Source. If you are in that place of loving yourself, present in the moment, having compassion, a wonderful and powerful thing will happen. Your entire beingness will radiate out that compassion, and that is what I believe we are here to do. Sheri: You talk about loving yourself and having unconditional love for yourself. Does that always mean that you are going to have, or need to have, unconditional love for everyone else around you? Sometimes there seems to be a fine line about unconditional love and being a doormat. Ken: What I am suggesting is to absolutely not project anything outward, not even unconditional love. I don't believe you can even have unconditional love for others until you have established it within yourself. Then, it would be an automatic thing. It becomes a state of being without judgment. If you can stay in compassion, judgment won't even enter the picture. Everyone is always perfect. Whatever they say, and do, where ever they are is perfect, because you are in balance with yourself. I believe the keys to the whole process of learning and being, is to stay in the moment. If anything gets into your space and triggers a reaction, do your best to look in your linear past to understand where it all started, and what you are learning from it. This is a way to be aware of exactly what you are creating, and why you are creating it. Anytime you find yourself out of the moment, examine where you went, (past, future) and what sent you there. The next thing is to do what you love to do, as often as you can. If that is singing, dancing, playing, or whatever, no matter what it is, or what it looks like to someone else, do it as often as you can. A real key to creating without distortion is to not create when you are in the past or in the future. Only create when you are in that place of doing what you love to do, in the moment. Most of us create when we are under deadlines, when we are under pressure to make a decision or to pay bills, or similar types of circumstances. When we are in such a place, we are not in our true place of center, fully expressing who we really are, or what we love to do. In those times and places, our creations will contain some measure of distortion, sometimes just a little, and sometimes a whole lot. By creating in the moment, as you are doing what you really love to do, it will break the patterns you are in. Additionally, do not project anything while you are in the state of creating. For example, you wish to have certain kinds of things or outcomes with and for your children, your partners, your mates, or your friends. If we really look at how these all seem to be working for us, most of us have been beaten up to a point where we have already had to let go, in what we want for or from others. We need to let go of how we are holding on to any situation that we wish to change for it to change or be different. Unless we let go of how we are holding on to it (by our projections, or expectations), there is no space or room for it to come back in a different way. Sheri: You call your institute, the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing. Please discuss both aspects of that and how it fits together. First the term cellular-that is almost a buzz word these days. What does that really mean? Ken: Cellular means addressing issues on every level that we exist on, and every reality that we exist in. I believe that all of us are multidimensional, or that there are aspects of us that are functioning in other times or in other spaces, or both. One thing we all know for sure is that there is probably an aspect of all of us that exists that is connected with Source. As we love all the parts of ourselves unconditionally, we allow more of ourselves to come into our conscious awareness. Becoming aware of all the different aspects that we are in, looking at these with focus and understanding, is what the process of Heart & Soul Healing is all about. Sometimes clients will work on issues that they have on other dimensions and other realities, for they, in some way, are a reflection of the same lessons you are working on in this reality and this dimension. Everything is interconnected, and as we are finding out more and more, interconnected holographically. Everything is being done right now, on all realities, simultaneously. Sheri: Do you run into this alot-where a client will go off somewhere-into another reality, into space, into a past life, or somewhere else? Ken: Yes, a lot Because with the work, we are energetically following patterns, or the cellular imprints of unresolved lessons, most clients will go into some sort of past, future, or parallel life. About 50 % will also shift into another completely different reality, where they will find themselves on a space ship, or other planet, or space, and become consciously aware of doing that, awakening that part of themselves. Sheri: Are these typically experiences that they have never had before, or have most of them been aware of what they have been doing elsewhere? Ken: I think what happens is that our ego and our conscious mind keeps us, for the most part, fairly tied to this present day reality. Our ego and conscious mind is formed, or consists pretty much of those experiences or history from the time we were born, until now, and that is pretty much what it understands. Some of these realities or dimensional experiences that we are having would be too much, or overwhelming for the conscious mind. Sometimes we are aware of them and experience them in our dreamtime, and think we are just having a series of interesting dreams. Another way we may be experiencing these realities is to have visions, visitations, or 'out of the body', or other unusual psychic phenomena happen to us. What is happening now is that we can be consciously aware of other realities, if the conscious mind can experience it in a safe, nonjudgmental way. Multidimensional Cellular Healing is a way to do this. Most people are aware only of a tiny fraction of the multi-realities that they really do exist in. Sheri: The idea of having an existence or even an experience on a spaceship would be overwhelming to a lot of people. How was it when you had your first experience? Didn't it sort of blow your mind? Ken: Yes, of course. What happened when I first started in all of this was I had gone to a friend who was a hypnotherapist, to understand some of the things that were happening to me at the time. My businesses were failing, and I was having some chest pains that did not seem to have a physical cause. I was undergoing a lot of stress, and this was back in the mid 80's. What happened was, when I went to see the hypnotherapist, I had to face my worst fear. This had nothing to do with spaceships, but it was my very first experience in an altered state of reality. The first thing I had to face was death. I really disliked death, and it wasn't as if I feared my own death. It was more to do with the death of those around me, something I couldn't do anything about. I had all this money, and couldn't help, and so I was really very angry about death. The very first thing that appeared to me when the hypnotherapist put me into an altered state was this great big ugly grim reaper! It was right in my face, and it was huge. Well-that did it for me-I jumped up out of the couch, ran out of that place, and said, "I'm not doing that!" The time came when I finally faced this-it took me about three weeks to get my nerve back up to return to the hypnotherapist. Again, the first thing that appeared was death! This time, I heard a small voice inside of me that said, "Walk around it." I walked around it, and saw a light. As I focused on the light, I immediately had my first past life experience. In this past life experience, I was with Christ, and I was a little boy. That was my very first exploration of my past. Later on, I started to have space types of adventures. What is happening to me now is that I am becoming conscious when I am in another reality. Those realities are just as physical as this one. This has been happening to me for about a year, and it is very overwhelming every time that it happens. Sheri: How many realities do you think that we exist on in any moment, or in every moment? Ken: I have heard all kinds of numbers. If I told you the high numbers it might seem too much to believe. The low numbers maybe we could grasp. Most people will report that they are in three or four other dimensions or realities, in addition to the three that we exist on now. The total number of realities that most people are becoming conscious of is between seven and nine. But we have heard numbers from 144 different realities or dimensions up to numbers that just boggle the conscious mind. Believe me, it is in the thousands-alot! Sheri: Is it the way that you have become so present in this moment that you have expanded to include these other realities at the same time? Is that what happens? Ken: What happens is that when you are in the moment, it becomes timeless. In that place you can start accessing other parts of your reality. Sheri: Are you having to create these other realities? Ken: I don't know. Sometimes I don't do very well in this one. I am not conscious of what I am creating in those other places. What I have become conscious of is them asking me to help. That is other aspects of my self physically asking me to help them in another (their) reality. I believe that whatever our third dimension is, whatever this place is that we occupy, we can help a lot of other realities or spaces. I don't quite know how that is, but I know I am asked to do this quite often. Sheri: These other realities, you said that they were just as physical as this one . . . Ken: Yes. For example, one time, all of a sudden, I was standing on the bridge of a space ship! I was looking around at these beings, looking around at monitors, I could feel my feet on the deck-it all seemed natural. It only lasted for a few seconds, which I was glad for at the time. Sheri: Have you worked with people who have had UFO experiences that have been negative? That seems to be common these days. If so, what did you discover? Ken: Yes, I have worked with a lot of folks who have reported these types of experiences. In most cases, these people are beings that have come in to help shift that (negative) energy from being here at this time. So, if there is multidimensional negativity or multidimensional beings that are interfering in this space and time, there appears that there are also some of us who have come to help shift some of that energy out of this space, so that it is no longer influencing us, or the consciousness of which we are a part. Sheri: You mean, that have had this negative experience? Is there any clue from their body that helps you to know or discover this? Ken: Yes, but by them becoming conscious of the role they have chosen to help with, and understanding how that has affected them in this life, and how long they have been trying to shift the energy or the group, it changes everything. Assisting the client to communicate with these other beings, we find out what the groups want or need, and help to release them from this space, to shift out of this reality. Sheri: You talk about these energies as though they had a consciousness of their own. Can you explain that a little bit, and how these energies affect us? Ken: I can tell you what I have found. Having seen more than five thousand people in my practice, I hear what they say all the time about energy. As we dialogue with these energies-most of them are thought forms. When we have an ongoing thought form, we have put a lot of energy into it. Because we have put so much into these thought forms, is that a life form? What happens seems to be that these prevailing emotional themes, or thought forms continue to get energy as we feed into them. That way, these thought forms can perpetuate themselves. Thought forms, in fact all energetic forms of life, want to be more than they are. They want to evolve, whatever that means. They always want to get bigger or more, they do not want to die, or cease to exist. The thought forms that we create become something real. I don't know what that means to everyone, but it becomes something that wants to continue to perpetuate itself. Sheri: Can you give us an example of a thought form? The the Devil a thought form? Ken: Absolutely! Yes-the idea of the Devil has been given so much energy over eons of time, that the concept 'Devil' is pretty charged. There is a lot of fear behind that thought form. It is the fear that takes away our energy, that takes away our life-force, or a part of us. So, the things that we have given a lot of energy to, for a long time, become a very powerful consciousness. Sheri: So, if someone was at the affect of what they believed to be the Devil, or a demonic force, how would you help them move through that? Ken: First of all, I believe that we are all using these thought forms, or types of polarities to facilitate our own lessons. Let's say that you came in to learn compassion, to master it, whatever that meant to you. You would have to look at all the polarities of compassion that existed. Depending on your own individual lessons, the parts or polarities that make it up could be guilt, anger, judgment., hatred, many, many different aspects of it. What we are saying is that in order for you to have unconditional compassion, (without judgment.), you would have to master all the different aspects of it. One thing for sure, we would have to master it in ourselves, where we would have forgiveness for ourselves, where we could just love. We would be able to achieve this by having many different experiences of all the facets and polarities of this lesson-testing ourselves every possible way we could. This would mean all the physical experiences and situations as humans. Could we forgive ourselves, and have no judgment. if we were bad, if we were working with the 'Devil', if the 'Devil' was affecting us, and so forth, to follow with your example. What happens is, if I have compassion for you, you could literally tell me anything, and I would not judge you, because there was a part of me that has experienced all those things. What seems to be happening is that, to help us focus and learn particular lessons, we need to pick up a piece of the polarity, to use as a catalyst to learn. Most of the times this catalyst will help to draw other people to us, (because that is how we really relate to who we are-by those who are around us, who mirror what we need to learn). All of these experiences would serve to keep us in our issues until we master them. Most of us have mastered all of the things we have come to learn here, it is just that we don't realize it. Sheri: What do you do for people? Ken: What we do is that we create a space, and don't get in their space. What allows me to work with clients and not get in their space is to be consciously aware of how I feel, day to day, and what my issues are that I am still working on. I am an empath, and I am able to mirror the other person and what they are working on. I will feel it in my body. Actually we are all empathic. It just depends on how you practice feeling another person without them feeling you. Sheri: That is very interesting. Can you go into that a little further? Ken: What happens is that if you don't project, you won't get into someone's space. For example if I were to project onto you anything, even a little bit, you would interpret it as being aggressive. What I do is to stay in my own space, and wait for you to go through your entire psychic checklist, (we all have one). The psychic checklist is all the things that you have gone through in your past-everything that you have ever heard, read, or experienced. You 'bounce' these off of me to see if I have any of these same issues. Sheri: In other words, we test each other out? Ken: That's right. So, when we walk into a room, we all use this method to psychically scan the room to see who we like and who we don't like who feels good, and who doesn't. Going back to my example: If you were a client, once you have psychically completed this scan or checklist with me, and everything is all right with your Higher Self, then you will move to a place where both of our Higher Selves come together, and we can do the work. At that time, I can mirror back to you anything that is not in the pattern or vibration of your Higher Self. These areas represent what you are still working to understand. Those are the imprints or things that we then work on together. Your body will actually reflect these as energy patterns that can be felt by both of us. Sheri: Once you pick up an energy, do you then say, 'I feel this, I feel that'? Ken: No. I feel it within my own body, and I will reflect it back to you in a slightly different or amplified way than you are used to. I reflect it back energetically, so that you can become consciously aware of it. Most of us have become so used to these patterns that we don't really notice them anymore, unless we are very tired or have low energy. Then it might feel as if we were carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, or as if we were in a heavy, downward spiral. I also use this method to teach in my classes. I can pick up what the client is feeling (we have clients come to do a demonstration in front of the class), and reflect these feelings or energy patterns back to the class, so they too can feel, recognize, and understand it. What we all begin to realize is that we are reflecting, and feeling everything that is going on around us, all of the time. Often times this enables people to realize they need to have more boundaries with themselves, and what they will allow themselves to pick up into their own space. Sheri: We are all very empathic and psychic, picking up energies all the time. Are you saying we get in trouble because we don't have enough boundaries?Ken: What happens is we will give so much of ourselves away, it is actually like giving our essence away. We give parts of ourselves to where we no longer feel good, or are no longer healthy. Sometimes it will even make us feel sick. Situations with our children, our spouses, or our partners, are all good examples of this. We give so much of ourselves, that others actually can tap in on us, taking our energy. At some point we don't have enough for ourselves, to be healthy, to be happy, and to pursue what we love. Then we have to ask the question-how much of ourselves can we keep giving away? If it gets to a point where we don't want to be here any longer, where it doesn't feel good, we have gone too far. By giving our energy, or pieces of ourselves, it doesn't really help those we think we are helping! All they are doing now is taking our energy, and this really does not help them look at their own lessons or what they have come in to learn. Sheri: What is the difference between this process of unconditional love that we have talked about and giving too much of yourself? Ken: Well, I think that once you start looking at unconditional love, there are some guidelines to follow. First of all, don't project anything out, until your very beingness just starts to radiate it. Stop trying to help those who haven't even asked for your help, or help someone to be or change into, who or what you think they should be. Many of us have done this, and we project out, or give a little bit, for we think we know what someone else needs. Most of the time we are really doing well just to know what we need. Part of the reason for the policy of noninterference, until we have completely mastered unconditional love for ourselves, any projections of help that we send outward will have a little bit, or a lot, of the polarity we are personally here to master-creating distortion. Once we project out to anyone, they may perceive it or feel it as a psychic attack, or judgment., and project back onto us. Of course, intention has a lot to do with this. Nevertheless, even those people that I have found that have the very best of intention, there were still projections that were coming back to them. I can't emphasize enough, how important it is not to project-that means light, love, anything at all! Stay in your own space. Sheri: Stay in your own space, stay in your own energy. Then magic seems to come out. It's not like you are not relating to anyone, or not connecting to anyone . . . Ken: That's correct. Now, what sometimes happens is that we have been taught, or we may want to blast our own field or energy out so far, so that others will know who we are. What happens then is that it starts to become hard on us. We get a little psychically beat up, as our field triggers others, and they project back to or onto us. I became aware of that, especially in the classes. For example, I started to realize that I could connect to somebody and feel that part of them that is inside of me. Each of us have a cell, or part of a cell that is exactly the mirror of the other. Sheri: Is that true of anybody? Ken: Absolutely! And, we are all doing it. We are all starting to recognize everyone. What happens is I can immediately feel you without you feeling me, or I could feel what is going on with a room full of people, simultaneously. It could be almost overwhelming to realize that we are becoming consciously aware of all these aspects, or all these cells within ourselves. Sheri: So is this the idea that we all hear about, that we are all one? Ken: Yes. One of the things that we do in our classes is that we will read a few short articles in the newspaper, and we will see how these 'everyday' stories impact us profoundly. We will watch the way that we change and feel. The energy will also change in the room. I simply reflect the feeling of the story or article to the class. If we are talking about a death, we will be able to feel it. Any event that we talk about that has taken place in the United States or around the world, the class will feel. Therefore, we are always feeling a variety of many different things, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. One of the things that most of our listening audience can relate to is the news. In many cases, many of us can't watch the news on television any longer, because it doesn't make us feel good. Sheri: That's very true. Plus, people go to films all the time. Let's go back to the process that you developed and are using. You said that the work went on an energetic level, but it is more than that. Does a discussion or dialogue go on? Do you present information to people? Ken: We create a safe space, and we look for the polarity that they are carrying, and why. They need to know why they have a particular energy or thought form around them. This way they will find out their issues, on a soul, or cellular level. They will find out why it is there and how long it has been in their space. They will find out how it is effecting them, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Usually these energies have a psychic weight to them. Some of us have felt that the problems or issues we have been working on are heavy, and we have found that in almost every case, this is literally true, and it is affecting us physically. Secondly, we look for anything that is in their space that does not belong there. I believe that everyone is entitled to 100% of their own space. It could be entities, fragments from other people in the past or present, or even possibly a piece of ourselves (or oversoul) from a past life. Sheri: Does this mean that we might be carrying energies or pieces that don't belong to us? Ken: In most cases, that is correct. However, it could also be energies, or soul fragments that do belong to us, but are out of vibration with the aspect that we are now, in this time and space. Whatever they are, they are fragments from the past, or another time and place, that are still charged the same way that they were, at the time they died or when they split off and became earthbound. The third thing that we look for are patterns from the past, either that have occurred in this lifetime or in a prior experience, that we are still carrying around energetically on our bodies today. The patterns represent lessons that we have not completely understood on all four levels of our being: Mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. We need to understand completely why all those things that have happened to us did happen. When we can do this, the patterns then change and are released, and can never be the way that they were. Our very vibration changes on a cellular level. Sheri: Do you do anything during all this, or is it just an awareness? Ken: We talk with the client, and we ask questions. The answers, knowings, and awareness comes from the client's Higher Self, in a way that they can clearly understand in this focus, this reality, this time, and place. Using an energetic scanning technique, we find the areas that still carry a charge. Using these patterns, we go back to when the imprint originally occurred. We then find out why it started, when it started, what happened, what their last dying thought was, even what they did after they died. That is a whole area in itself. If there is free will now, maybe there is free will for a split second after we die, or for a certain amount of time, or whatever. Maybe all we have to do after we die is to see the light and go into it. Perhaps, if, when we die, there is a lot of negativity around us, illness,emotion, or fear, something could interfere and cause a distortion. Sheri: So, is that where earthbound entities come from? Ken: Yes, I believe so. Sheri: You actually did quite a bit of work with death and dying, haven't you? Ken: Absolutely. I did that when I very first started in this work. Because of death being my greatest fear, I went to work in the hospice program. That is where some of the strangest stories you or I could ever imagine started coming out, dealing with some of the different types of consciousness that were causing the death or disease of those that I worked with. Sheri: I enjoyed hearing another audiotape that you have done, where you explained your first experience where you discovered that some of these diseases actually had an energy or consciousness about them. Could you share some of this with us? Ken: Well, this all happened a long time ago. I had volunteered to work with the hospice program. Up until that time, the program had not had a hypnotherapist working with clients. I was just beginning to develop the process I use today. Anyway, at that time, I talked to the various patients in the hospice program about using visualization techniques. I was working with a lady who the hospice people said was going to die within the next twenty four hours. They called me to go over to see her. She was afraid to go to sleep, because she thought she might never wake up. When I went to see her, I found her in a very weakened state. She had cancer throughout her body. She said to me that she just had to know why this had happened to her. So, that is what we started to explore. I asked to speak to the energy, or the entity, or whatever was around her. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a voice just screamed out at me, "What do you want?" The lady herself was very weak. She had just come out of the hospital, and was very fragile. The voice that had come out when I asked to speak to the energy around her was rough, gruff, abrupt, very mean, and very loud. The whole thing just really scared me for a moment, because it was so unexpected and so forceful. I thought, "Oh no. This is it. I'm not ready for this. I've had no training for this. That's it, I'm going to die." In any event, I keep exploring the energy behind the voice until we discovered that it was cancer-the essence and consciousness of cancer. Just think of all the energy, emotion, and fear that has been put into the thought of cancer, through time. When it told me that it was the energy or thought behind cancer, I asked how many had it killed. It reported that it was only a small fragment of the whole, and it had killed many thousands. It went on to say it was part of the larger consciousness of cancer that lived in a belt around the Earth at about 33,000 feet. At that point, I was hooked. I kept exploring with that client, and many hundreds more after her, until I could understand how these energies worked. Sheri: Was this the actual consciousness of the disease known as cancer that you tapped into? Ken: That's right. And it told a story that would just put goose bumps all up and down your arms. Since then, I have heard this story, and stories like this, thousands of times, over and over. Sheri: How does your process affect people physically? Do you work with them physically? Ken: Yes. Once the client becomes aware of why something is happening in their life, even physically, and why it has been created, the knowing brings a certain kind of peace and understanding with it. Once they understand it and why it is happening, sometimes it changes, and sometimes it takes other forms. You never know what form these changes will take, but it will definitely help them to reach a point or place of peace within their own mind, within their own being, as to why all of this has come about. It is a very healing thing for us not to be afraid, and to understand the whys and wherefores on a very deep level. In this process of understanding they are connected back to Source, and back to their own Higher Self. Sheri: Sometimes death is what needs to happen . . . Ken: Sometimes. Sometimes, the body is so riddled with disease that the process cannot be reversed. However, I have physically seen these energies jump out of the body, in the form of a small ball, hover, and then go right out, and disappear. This particular incident happened quite a while ago. Sheri: This was a disease that the person had? Ken: Yes. After this happened, this person went back to their doctor, and they no longer showed any traces of the disease. This particular person also had cancer. However, this process should never be used in lieu of proper medical treatment. In any event, you never quite know what is going to happen. This is why I can never have an outcome, when I am working with anybody. If I have an outcome, I could get in the way of their Higher Self. Sheri: You just create a space. That is your job . . . Ken: That is it. I create a safe space for them, and stay out of their space. What I can do is to hold the energy around the distortion that prevents them from understanding the whole situation clearly. If we can go back and look at the traumatizing experience that started the whole thing out, without all the energy, emotions, and worry that has been given to it through the eons of time, it would be much easier. So, I can hold that energy and I will do that. Once you can look at the experience and understand mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, that energy will shift to a strength! This is because anything that you have given 5,000, 10,000, or 20,000 hours of your time trying to figure out what it is all about, is something that you are a master of! This is why, if we can understand them, our greatest fears end up being our greatest strengths. Sheri: Besides the healing session, you also do workshops. Tell me a little bit about what one would learn in one of the workshops that you teach. Ken: You learn about the way many different types of energies work and interact. You will learn to actually see colors, energy fields and auras energetically and physically, (if you don't already know how to do this). It is really a very simple thing to teach someone how to do. Sheri: Can everybody learn how to do this? Ken: Yes, everybody. What happens is that most people don't really know how they ended up learning how to see auras, so they can't teach anyone else. It is a very simple thing and it takes about three minutes to show the class how to do this. Sheri: I have three minutes . . . Ken: OK, what you need to do is to find an all white or off white wall. Get at least 8 1/2 X 11 size sheets of construction paper in the four different primary colors. (Blue, green, yellow, and red). Have someone else hold up, or tack/ tape the sheets up against the white background of the wall. Stand back away from the wall, about five to ten feet, and stare directly at the center of the construction paper, using one color at a time. Stare at the sheet for a full moment or two. You can let your eyes go into a soft focus if you want, but keep looking at the center of the paper. After the moment or two has passed, have the person holding the sheet take it down, and continue to look at the wall where the sheet had been. Reflected against the same space on the wall will be the image you want to see. The colors may slightly differ, depending upon the true tint of the original colors you started out with, but the green sheet should leave a red or pink image, the yellow sheet should leave a bluish image, the red sheet should leave a greenish image, and the blue sheet should leave a yellowish image. This image should last at least 30 seconds before beginning to fade away. As soon as your eyes know what to look for, have somebody stand up against the wall, this time without the sheets. Looking straight between their eyes, about eyebrow level, look at them steadily for about two or three moments. See if you can pick up the light outline that is around their body. Don't be concerned with trying to see the color around them the first few times, just look for the outline around their body. This is the auric field. With just a little practice, you will begin to see the different colors in and around their field. The colors themselves will be very translucent, soft and gentle. For example, if someone is dying or sick, their field will be very pulled in, close to their head, and will not be very luminescent. It will be grayish or smoky in color. In addition, during the workshops, we have volunteer clients come in, and we will do sessions in front of the class, demonstrating techniques and insights used in the work. We do our best to touch on all forms of energy-interdimensional, multidimensional, angelic, demonic, ET type, witchcraft, etc., because if we can be consciously aware of the many types of energies out there (that we are feeling every day, anyway), we will not be afraid of anything that may come our way. If there is nothing that we are afraid of as far as energy, thought forms, or even death itself, it will absolutely change the quality of our life! We incorporate dynamic stories and practical information, and guided meditations, all to develop and deepen the classes' awareness. We show them how to live and stay in the moment, how to recognize and be protected from psychic attack, how to uncover blocks to prosperity and creativity, and how to release inner male and female conflicts. The class learns how to make a conscious connection to all realities, and how to move safely through gates and the Void. They explore their own symbols, space and UFO connections, and have a guided experience of Christ's Ascension and vibration, and we show them how to use that energy. I will actually disappear in front of them-this is my favorite trick! It is truly an experiential workshop. Sheri: Now tell me a little bit about this disappearing thing . . . Ken: Of course it is best experienced! It is just a matter of fading out, until either just a silhouette remains, or I am gone all together. Sheri: What is it that you do with yourself? Ken: I will actually move into another reality. It is something that is even easy to show people. It doesn't take much practice. Again, it is just a matter of knowing how to do it, and having someone create a safe space. In this way no one will become concerned, for the room can actually change colors, we could start seeing grids, or we could start going into the Void. There are many things that could take place. Sheri: Could you get stuck or something . . . not come back? Ken: No, that hasn't happened yet. I think I am pretty much here. It is really a safe experience. Sheri: How did you happen to do that the first time? Ken: As it happened, I was just working with clients in private sessions, and the room kept changing colors. I then realized I was actually moving into other dimensions and realities physically, right there, with them. Sheri: Were they reporting that you were disappearing? Ken: No, that happened later. In most cases when I am working with clients, their eyes are closed and they are into their own space. Lots of times I will have other people in the room, either family members or friends of the client, or students who are there, learning and observing the work. They were the ones who began reporting that I was disappearing while doing the work. Sheri: The healing work that you do, do you believe that most people can do something similar for each other, or that it can be taught to others? Ken: Yes, it can be taught, and it is easy. It is something that we have known all along. It is just finding or a matter of working through our doubts and fears and programming. What a lot of us have done through time as healers is to immediately take the other person's pain on to ourselves. We balanced it out by releasing it into the Earth. However, most of us are disconnected from the Earth now, but are still using the same ways as before. That is, taking other people's pain onto ourselves, and that has to stop. It is physically affecting the healer. Many of the healers that I work with have been roughed up to a degree that they are not healthy any longer. It just goes back through the eons of time, and how we have all been taught in the past. Sheri: Are we beginning to reconnect with the Earth? Ken: Well, I would like to think that we are. If I was to tell you the last thousand people I have seen, I would say only a very small percentage has been doing this. It is not something that can be done only once a month, or when you get a chance, you have to do it every day, reconnect, be in it. What happens is if you are not in the moment, not doing what you love to do, even if you are out on the land, if you are thinking about the past or the future, you will not be connected. You really have to be present, be the Earth, be what you are in. Don't think about the next thought, just be totally here, in the moment. Sheri: We thank our guest, Ken Page, for being here with us today. COPYRIGHT © 1995-2009 CLEAR LIGHT ARTS, ADL., Heart & Soul Healing, HSH, Multidimensional Cellular Healing, MCH, Living Light Breath, INscension, The Third Eye of Horus Mystery School, Hands of Quan Yin, Blended Energy, Bio-Energetic RePatterning, are all trademarked names belonging to Ken Page, Nancy Nester and Clear Light Arts, ADL. All text, graphics and contents© 1995-2007, Clear Light Arts, ADL, unless otherwise noted. Use purpose must be granted by the copyright holder. Unauthorized use, alteration, transformation or reuse is strictly prohibited.Clear Light Arts, ADL

