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COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF DISEASE In 1987 when I first started my healing work, I was working with a hospice. They called me to help a patient named Claire with a visualization that would allow her to sleep. Like many terminal patients I had worked with, she was afraid to close her eyes, fearing that she might never wake up. The radiation treatments had left Claire as pale and insubstantial as the starched white sheets, which covered her like a shroud. A flask of morphine at her bedside advertised her constant pain. She had been given two days to live. Inside Claire's room it was as quiet as a mortuary, a feeling that was reinforced by the countless bouquets of flowers that surrounded her. They smelled like death. Outside the wind was howling around the corners of the house like a wild animal, and angrily spattering rain against the windows. Claire asked me to help her. She didn't understand why she had cancer. She was only 43 years old, a good wife and the mother of three young children who needed her. She had never done anything really wrong in her whole life and she wanted to know "Why me?" I had detected a strong energy around Claire, and so as was my usual practice then, I began talking to it, using my client as a channel. I asked the energy if it had a name. This is one of the ways I distinguished between energies and entities. Energies tended to have bizarre otherworldly names, while entities of earth origin usually had the kinds of names that you might give your children. This particular energy screamed a name that I'd never heard in a session before. Its name was Cancer. "Have you ever had a body?" I asked. "NO!" it shot back assertively, speaking at about ten times my client's normal frail whisper. I asked it where it had been before it was with Claire. "I was with Jonathan!" it blustered. "What happened to Jonathan?" I asked. "I killed him!" it gloated. And so it went, like wandering around a graveyard looking at the names on headstones with Jack the Ripper. It yelled out their names triumphantly, as though they were its trophies. Finally, I tired of this macabre tour. "And how many other times have you entered the life fields of a human being to kill them?" I inquired. "Thousands!" it proclaimed. That's when it finally hit me. I wasn't just talking to something that had named itself after an astrological sign. I was really talking to the essence of cancer. The consciousness of cancer, it proudly told me, encircled the earth like a huge cloud, 33,000 feet above the surface. It created illness the same way that other negative energies created fear. The more cancer it created, the more people feared it and cancer used their fear like a factory used electricity, becoming more and more powerful. Once I started asking the right questions, I found that there were energies associated with all types of diseases. There was a mass consciousness of AIDS, a mass consciousness of bubonic plague, and a mass consciousness of addiction. There were energies of war, of famine, and of concentration camps. The Hindus called these powerful energies Vritties. These energies could, once they acquired enough potential energy, manifest physically as earthquakes or other natural disasters, just as electric potential could manifest as lightning. TRANSFORMING THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS Many of us had past lives where our enemies projected hate and anger onto us at the moment of our deaths. Our reactions to these experiences were different depending if we were male or female, young or old. If young, we were probably terrified and confused. An adult might have been angry and defiant. An older person may have been resigned. Have all these energetic feelings accumulated over time into a force of their own? Have they existed for thousands of years as the collective consciousness of fear, anger, or hate? How many frightened people in the past gave energy and created a collective consciousness of war or disease? Is it possible the collective consciousness of disease maintains and compounds itself by energetically tapping into the accumulated fear and hate of people today? I believe one of our purposes here on Earth is to balance all the different collective consciousnesses -- including those of war and disease. As we begin to love ourselves unconditionally and have unconditional compassion for others, could we bring the collective consciousness of disease back into balance? By manifesting peace, balance, and unconditional love for us, could others feel this and use it as a template to energetically find their own truth, freeing themselves from the pain and patterns of the past? Because we are all One and part of the Creator, I believe we have the power to do this. THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF RELIGION I have been working to balance all types of consciousness for the last fourteen years and have heard every story that you can imagine. In the last few months, however, my job as a teacher / healer has changed a great deal. Spirit has a new job for me: to help the collective consciousnesses of religion find balance. How do I know this? Because people with these very issues have been coming to me in disproportionate numbers. I have worked with over 150 people whose job it has been to balance different religious areas on earth and to help bring peace between the religions and the energies that they represent. These are very old stories that go back thousands of years to areas in the Middle East, Israel, parts of Africa, Asia, Tibet, China, Japan, India, Italy, and England, where many religious doctrines began. There are around 1728 different religions on earth, over seventy-two names for God, over one billion Catholics, and one billion Muslims. The energetics around these different belief systems creates a very powerful and chaotic collective consciousness. In our history, how many people have suffered or died in the name of God or for their religious beliefs? On March 12, 2000, during a Sunday mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Pope John Paul II, delivered a papal apology, repenting for the errors of his church over the last 2000 years. He said that the new evangelization he is calling for in the third millennium could take place only after what he has described as a church-wide "purification of memory." The Pope called for Catholics to examine their collective conscience, as there is "an objective collective responsibility" for past errors that modern Catholics should acknowledge and repent. (New York Times, March 13, 2000) In Sydney, Toronto, Washington, DC, Atlanta, and San Francisco, the increase in my clients balancing the consciousness of religion is overwhelming. It's affecting everyone. The need for peace and non-judgment, love and non-separation is affecting our hearts and souls like I have never seen or felt before. I believe the religious struggle within us is collapsing. We are becoming self-aware. We know the truth and are questioning everything that does not feel in alignment with our hearts. I believe heaven is defined by each of us and how we, as humans, live our lives. We are heaven on earth. We have the power to change our world by changing ourselves by loving ourselves and learning how to let go of our past. I would like to share with you the following technique that will assist you in releasing old energy patterns that are keeping you out of the moment. PATTERN RELEASE TECHNIQUE A good time to use this technique is while taking a bath. Plan for fifteen to thirty undisturbed minutes. Take off your jewelry, including your rings. Light a candle to represent a spiritual person you admire, such as Krishna, Moses, Jesus, Mother Mary, or Buddha. Picture them with you. Feel the unconditional love this spiritual person reflects and recognize that place of love inside yourself. Stare at the flame and release old feelings, thoughts, programs, issues, and fears. Allow them to flow through you. Say them either out loud or in silence. Your intention to clear yourself is most important. Begin by releasing the things you are afraid of, such as losing your job, getting older, being poor, sick, or alone. Next release thoughts, feelings, and emotions you are holding, such as guilt, anger, hate, abandonment, separation, betrayal, grief, sorrow, or sadness. Release feelings of being helpless, hopeless, used, or trapped. Release feelings of pain and jealousy. Release all the feelings and projections of others that you have bought into. During the release, make an intention to keep the wisdom gained from these events and feelings. Next, I want you to do something different. I want you to release all the positive memories you are holding on to from your past. Are you holding on to the best Christmas you remember? Or the best present you ever received? Your first car or favorite home? Your first great love? Your proudest moment? A happy, loving time with your family? Food, sunsets, flowers -- release it all. How many of you are holding these positive past events and feelings and using them to judge every experience you create today? Are you comparing every kiss or embrace today to an experience you had in the past? Release every positive experience from your past that is keeping you from being in the present moment and experiencing things for the first time. During the release, make an intention to keep the wisdom, joy, and love from these positive past events. All you¹re doing is releasing the energetic charges you are holding on to which are still causing you to have judgments and comparisons today. Once you have released all the charged negative and positive experiences from your past, shower or bathe with fresh water. Positive experiences often have more of an energetic charge than your fears. Think about it. We do our best to heal the negative things from our past, but we may not realize we¹re also comparing positive experiences from our past to our experiences today and judging our lives right now as "not good enough." Releasing all charged memories is a helpful technique to aid us in staying in the moment. Collective consciousnesses thrive on our powerful emotions, such as hate and fear. Healing our planet and ourselves depends on our ability to stay in the moment, where emotions are allowed to come up and then be released to flow through us. Holding on to these emotionally powerful energies only creates chaos, sadness, disease, and hate in our lives and supports the continuity of these consciousnesses for our planet. The spark of change begins with just one of us making a different choice. |
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