You have many options:

Place your cursor on the first letter of TEXT on the questionnaire
Hold down the shift key and scroll down the questionnaire (all 6 pages) to the last letter of TEXT
Copy the entire document (CTRL+A)
Open up your email program
Begin a NEW email and then Paste the questionnaire into the body of an email (CTRL+V)
Complete the form and email it

Click FILE on the upper left-hand corner of the webpage
Save the entire page using: SAVE AS .txt file
You can save it to your desktop
Open up Microsoft Word and open up the .txt file
Complete the form
Re-save as MS Word document and attach to an email

PRINT the entire webpages
Write out your answers on the lines provided
Mail or e-mail the completed questionnaire to the office address (shown on the homepage) or to



E-mail to:
Mail to: PO Box 1500 - Cleveland, GA 30528