A person seems to be most vulnerable to spirit/energy attachment if they:
- had a serious illness, or were hospitalized
- had surgery
- have taken excessive medication or been under anesthetics
- had an organ transplant
- had any terminated pregnancy or stillbirth
- experienced amputation or severe wounds
- have a great deal of stress, exhaustion, fatigue or 'burnout'
- have feelings of being useless and unwanted
- have a devitalized nervous system
- drink alcohol or abuse drugs
- channel, or play around with psychic phenomena
- involve themselves with the dark forces
- are extremely negative or exhibit antisocial behavior
- show a complete lack in consciousness
- experience states of anger, resentment or fear
- are extremely lonely or depressed
- harbor strong thoughts of hatred, vengeance or revenge
- habitually lie
- have extreme insensitivity to the suffering or pain of others
- are extraordinarily willful or stubborn
- had a NDE (near death experience)
- had an OBE (out of body experience)
- display a narcissistic attitude and extreme self-centeredness
- are willing "to do anything" to gain psychic gifts or material possessions
- exhibit rigid and unyielding behavior
- experience continuing states of jealousy, greed, envy, lust or cruelty
- have low self esteem, despise self or have pervading feelings of guilt
- are in battle or combat duty or in life threatening situations
- use an Ouija board, attend seances or invoke black magic rituals
- are in a physically or mentally abusive situation
- experience extreme states of emotional or mental confusion
- had a severe mental, physical or emotional trauma
- harbor obsessive thoughts of power and control
- are in a state of loss or grieving over a loved one
- experienced sexual contact through rape or incest
- experienced severe depression or self destructive feelings
- suffered a fall with a blow to the head
- are around morgues, funerals, cemeteries or hospitals