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Tuition Costs and Expenses

PLEASE NOTE: Tuition costs/fees shown ** are for courses
held in our
North East Georgia, USA facility.
Tuition costs outside our own facility are dependent on each course location.

9-Day Intensive Course - $1,295.00 USD price for tuition and fees**
Includes all Clinical Sessions and Practicum for those wishing to become practitioners

** Fees include all course materials (shipped via internet or domestic US mail service), daily luncheon meal, teas/coffee and small snacks.

**does NOT include international mail shipment, airport transportation, breakfast, evening meal or lodging

Lodging: We are able to accommodate a limited number of students in our own facility. Lodging is double-accommodation on a 'first come' basis. Costs for lodging include all meals. These costs are provided at time of application, with some private rooms available at an additional cost.

Should we need overflow accommodations from our own facility, we have reserved a block of rooms at a local Inn for arrival time the Friday evening before the first day of the course and departure time the Monday morning following the last day of the course. Lodging price at the Inn includes continental breakfast and high-speed internet. The Inn is easy walking distance to restaurants for your evening meal.

** NOTE **

We also arrange airport transportation to and from your lodging location for the fee set by the airport/limo company. We are two (2) hours north of the Atlanta airport. We make every effort to coordinate trips to and from the airport so that the cost can be shared by the passengers in the vehicle for that trip. If your arrival or departure can not be coordinated with other flight schedules, we will arrange separate transportation for you at your individual cost.

We accept all major credit cards with no additional charge for processing.

All Tuition must be paid in full not later than 20 days prior to the first date of any course.

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