As further clarification of the history
of the Usui System of Natural Healing,
we offer this definition from The Reiki Association:
Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Usui System of Natural Healing), known as Reiki, is a
form of healing and spiritual awakening, received and developed 100 years
ago by a Japanese man, Mikao Usui, and brought to the West via Hawaii in
1937. It is passed on from one person to another through specific initiation
rites, teachings and defined forms of practice. The Japanese word reiki can
be translated as 'universal or spiritually guided life force' and the Usui
System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The
word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness and
Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person, physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual.
The integrated way of Usui Shiki Ryoho has four Aspects: healing practice, personal development, spiritual discipline and mystic order. For the gifts of the whole to be realised they need to be held in a balanced way, not allowing any to overshadow the others. The Aspects spring from a central core of practice and philosophy called the Form, comprised of nine Elements, each bringing unique lessons. The combination of all the Elements and Aspects and their inter-relationships creates the system which has a proven, predictable capacity to take people along a profound path of healing, growth and spiritual deepening. If any part is changed or left out, it is no longer Usui Shiki Ryoho.
The importance and deeper meaning of the elements and aspects and the whole system is mainly beyond words and gradually unfolds through personal experience. The following is a brief outline
Four Aspects
Healing Practice Usui Shiki Ryoho has as its basis a hands-on-healing practice for regular self treatment and a form of treatment which helps others to use universal life energy for their own healing.
Personal Development Giving and receiving Reiki through Usui Shiki Ryoho stimulates a process that brings a clearer sense of one's own true self and humanity, with a deepening self love.
Spiritual Discipline Inherent in the regular practice of the Form is the awakening of a spiritual practice, spiritual development and awareness of the sacred in daily life.
Mystic Order Practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho brings mystic experiences and a sense of connection and common purpose with others following this path.
Nine Elements
Oral Tradition The ability to practice Reiki is received only through face to face relationship with a Reiki Master, and involves verbal and non-verbal communication and an energetic transmission.
Spiritual Lineage of Usui Shiki Ryoho is Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Lei Furumoto. The living lineage bearer embodies the essence of Reiki and carries out a central role for the Reiki community which includes leading, teaching, and inspiring.
History This is shared in Reiki classes as part of the oral tradition. Although it tells the origin and key events in the nurturing of Reiki, it is told not as information but as a lesson containing parable.
Initiation is the ritual passed down from Reiki Master to Master. When performed with a student, this ritual results in the capacity to practice Reiki.
Symbols There are three symbols that are presented to the student in
second degree classes as received from Mikao Usui, together with a specific
ritual and form of practice. They are energetic keys which access communion
with self, others and the mystery of life.
(please note: Rev.Dr.Nancy Nester provides the first symbol in Level One Training)
Treatment The basic treatment of self and others is the foundation practice of the Form and is simple and clear, with hands held still for several minutes in a sequence of positions on the head and body.
Form of Teaching This covers both the energetic and physical structure of the classes. In First Degree students are introduced to the elements and aspects of Reiki and learn how to treat themselves and others. Second degree takes people deeper into the System and requires greater commitment. Practices taught at First degree prepare the student for this next step and it is recommended that there be a minimum of three months between the classes. There is one initiation and the student receives the three symbols and learns how to use them as sacred tools. Mastery is for those who realise they have a calling to accept this far greater, lifelong commitment to the practice and teaching of Usui Shiki Ryoho and are willing to take on the challenges and responsibilities this involves. It is recommended students practice Reiki for over three years before Master initiation and be initiated by a Master with 5+ years experience of teaching Reiki.
Monetary Exchange Each step of the Reiki path has a specific monetary fee: $150 US for first degree, $500 for second degree and $10,000 for Mastery. The fees call out a student's commitment at each level and lead the student into a deeper understanding of the energy of money.
(please note: these are not the fees charged by Ref. Dr. Nancy Nester, ADL, RMT, ChT.)
Precepts These are a spiritual teaching and code of ethics for daily
living. They are:
Just for today do not worry,
Just for today do not anger.
Honour your parents, teachers and elders,
Earn your living honestly,
Show gratitude to every living thing