I recently performed a house clearing for a client; she initially wanted me to do healing work with her adopted daughter as they were planning a trip to visit the adopted children’s birthplace and visit their orphanages’ and understandably there was a lot of anxiety around this. Her son had recently broken his leg and then her daughter sprained her ankle, so both were on crutches at the same time. She wondered whether there was some work that could be done energetically as there were many issues unfolding all at once.
She owned a second home, which was her original family home and had close family friends living there for the past 20 years. She had recently made a decision to sell the property and to move forward with ideas for her future. As she talked about this family home it became apparent to me that there was an extremely strong energetic charge around this home. This was affecting her and compounding all the other issues going on in their lives at the time.
She described the family history of the home she grew up in, and the very personal and tragic events that had occurred there. Her intention to sell this property was to set the home, its’ memories and all the energy free, thus enabling everyone to move on. Energetically however, it was the energy of the home that was holding onto the past events and all the emotions, trapping everything and preventing her, and those close to her from moving forward.
I suggested that this was where we needed to start the work. I had never felt such intense feelings and emotions associated with clearing a home before. I knew this house was the key to my client unlocking many energetic entanglements and cutting past ties. Once I discussed the intensity of the feelings with her and the energetic connections with the house, she revealed what had actually happened in the home. The feeling I was experiencing was heavy, dark, thick and restrictive.
We arranged to visit the rental property to undertake the clearing. While in the shed of the home I felt her fathers’ presence. He loved to work in his shed. I received information from him to confirm to my client that it was indeed her father, such as pain and heaviness in the chest area (she confirmed he died of a heart attack). There was a lot of guilt and sadness around their connection and a sense that he was remaining around the home as a kind of protector but also he was being held there by her guilt and grief. As her father died suddenly, she did not get to say goodbye.
He gave his blessing for her to sell the home and move forward and said that a lot of what was happening in their life was there being pushed in her face in order to release him the home and the energy. The energy in the shed became lighter and he moved on with love as he was released from my client. It was a very emotional and healing experience.
Inside the home there was a very strong dark stuck and angry energy. The energy felt like it was coming in from one corner of the home in a line. When I stood within this line of energy a very dark presence appeared and surrounded me, and a face appeared and kept pushing itself into my face - flashing and changing in front of me. It was a very chaotic and disturbed energy. It changed forms and kept surrounding and pushing me. I stayed centered and neutral and stepped back from the line of energy and then stepped into it again in order to release it.
It was a piece of her sister that was trapped energetically in the home and it was the spot where she had in fact died, the energy was chaotic and angry and dark (represented her illness not her). I felt this line of energy was being sent from somewhere and I think that the piece of her energy was linked to the same type of energy that she would have been around while inside the mental health facility on several occasions.
This energy was also fuelled by my clients fear of the incidents that had taken place in the home. It felt like a line of energy that may still be connecting back and being fed by others who have similar energy. Similar to a curse or spell, but a collective energy.
Although I did not tell my client what I saw, she decided it was better for her to sit outside of the house while I did the clearing. By creating a space for this energy without judgment and without fear, in other words being at one with it, it was able to change forms and be released. I often use the Whale and Dolphin energy to assist as their energy is pure and has few projections, which allows the negative energy to be held without attracting more of the same energy and becoming out of control. Energy is just energy wanting to be more than itself and so by having compassion for it, with no reaction to it, it can transform into clear light and become more than itself and so it does.
This collective negative energy can have a big influence on the consciousness and subconscious of those living in the home and for my client who is also connected to the home. Whatever energy we have in the home will be the energy that we keep attracting to us and can eventually manifest itself by affecting our physical body. Only fears and ideas keep the energy going and allow it to create and hold form. I released this form.
When I stepped back from the energy I saw an image of Mother Mary and felt it was associated with my client, I sensed she called on her or was close to her during difficult times. My client told me that when she was outside she was praying for assistance for me while I was doing the clearing and that in the same place in the lounge room that I had sensed the presence of Mother Mary was where her sister had attacked her one time in a paranoid state thinking she was the enemy. Her sister calmed down and released her once she had repeated “I love you” I love You” from her knees. She felt that something bigger had come and helped her that day.
Whilst I released all the energy that I sensed in the home the connection to an outside source which was organized in its intent to send energy, was something I was aware required some additional work and I wanted to get some advice on the best way of handling it. I placed a pyramid of crystal clear light above and below the home.
Ken Page and Nancy Nester whom I have trained with extensively, were arriving in Melbourne and I was sponsoring them while they were here for workshops and healing sessions. I suggested that I would like to consult them on what they thought about the home and the energy.
They came to the home one-day with us, and there was still a strong feeling of trapped old energy. They felt that all the clearing had worked and that what was left was just old stuck energy that was attached to the furniture, the curtains, the carpet etc in the home as they had not been changed since she and her family and the many dramas had occurred there.
This old energy needed to be cleared by a full cleaning and refreshing of the space and contents. This old stuck energy is affecting the people who live there and vice versa the people who live there are also holding the energy there. Once the family moves (from living there for 20 years) the home can be cleaned and these energetic attractions cleared, it will feel very different.
Their book called “How to Clear Yourself Release Old Energy and Feel Free” can be read for free on line at under free books and will outline more about house and energy clearing techniques . This old energy, which is stuck there, is affecting the people who live there and vice versa the people who live there are also holding the energy there.
There was also a lot of energy coming in from the neighbor’s property as well, which Ken picked up as we drove up. We sensed the energy coming from this house as one of “who cares” and aggression. Just as Ken was making us aware of this, the man living in the house next door came out and gave us a look that went right through us in an unpleasant way. His energy and the energy of his house was interacting with the energy already in the home, creating it to bounce off itself and form lines of energy, keeping everything chaotic.
So the issues are not always confined to the home itself. Again once this home can be cleaned out, the energy from next door will no longer be able to connect to the home in the same way because its vibration will be lighter.
By changing the energy and removing negative attachments and souls, I feel it will help my client let go of the family home, the guilt and tragedy associated with it for her, while also allowing the other family members to make the changes they need, to let go and move forward also. This will help the home be cleared and then allow it to sell. This huge shift will enable my client to move forward and change the energetics around her that have been associated with her past, her fear, her grief and loss and enable her and her family to move forward so she can begin to create for herself.
Since the house clearing, the family living on the property have purchased a house for themselves and are soon to move out. This allows my client to do a final clearing out of old furniture and carpets etc in order for the home to go up for sale with the blessing of her father and sister.
I am very grateful to the client for allowing me into her home and life and letting me document this experience and I am also honored to have the opportunity to have Ken and Nancy assist me and teach me further. I love their work and who they are.
Written by:,
Bridget Draper
Melbourne, AU
Mobile: 61-0409973509
Certified Heart & Soul Healing Advanced Practitioner
Reconnective Healer, Reiki I & II, Spiritual Guidance and Psychic Development, Medium, House Clearings/DeHauntings,
Flower of Life,
Dream Imagery,